


Single SVN Repository

Added by Chris Meek almost 16 years ago

I have multiple projects in a single SVN repository, something like



I can't any detail on how redmine interacts with SVN to know whether it'll work with this kind of setup.

Thanks Chris.

Replies (4)

RE: Single SVN Repository - Added by Carsten Schurig almost 16 years ago

I'm using such a setup. Works perfectly. Point repository location of each project to .../repository/projectX/

RE: Single SVN Repository - Added by Chris Meek almost 16 years ago

Awesome, good to know!

RE: Single SVN Repository - Added by Merul Patel over 15 years ago

I've had no problems setting up with Apache2 when I have one SVN repo per Redmine project, but am having a hell of a time trying to configure authenticated access to the repo over HTTPS with a single SVN repository.

I can browse the repository fine from within the Redmine repository browser, with the repository URL set to use file:///repos/svnrepo/project.

However with Apache2 configured as:

        <Location /repos>
                DAV svn
                SVNPath /repos/svnrepo

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "redmine" 
                Require valid-user
                PerlAccessHandler Apache::Authn::Redmine::access_handler
                PerlAuthenHandler Apache::Authn::Redmine::authen_handler
                RedmineDSN "DBI:Pg:dbname=redmine;host=" 
                RedmineDbUser "XXXXXXXX" 
                RedmineDbPass "XXXXXXXX" 
                Allow from all

I am unable to svn info https://server/repos/svnrepo/project.

Is this a configuration that has been tested elsewhere?



RE: Single SVN Repository - Added by Merul Patel over 15 years ago

Apologies, I've made a typo above.

When trying to access the repo over HTTPS above, I actually have to use:

svn info https://server/repos/project

Otherwise the authentication fails as doesn't know what project to authenticate against.

I should also state that I've tried using the SVNParentPath directive instead of the SVNPath directive:

SVNParentPath /repos

But in this case although I can see that authentication has worked ok, the SVN command fails since /repos/svnrepo/project is not a repository of it's own and doesn't contain the root files expected in a repository folder, eg .format.
