


Unleash the power of Redmine

Added by Jérôme BATAILLE over 8 years ago

This message is at the destination of the Redmine core contributors and / or people responsible of the Redmine software management.

On my point of view, there is an inadequation between the Redmine reputation, and the core contributors availability.

At the time I write there are still 419 opened patches :[]=status_id&op[status_id]=o&f[]=tracker_id&op[tracker_id]=%3D&v[tracker_id][]=3&f[]=&c[]=tracker&c[]=status&c[]=subject&c[]=updated_on&c[]=category&group_by=

This is too much !

I think a lot of people working, using and loving Redmine will agree with me :
The creators of Redmine have a big responsibility. What we have here is a marvelous open source software that competes with private source ones that cost a lot, this is as rare as remarkable.
Redmine is among large companies clearly a serious candidate for corporate project management, not talking of small and medium companies !

The way people are allowed to contribute to Redmine is too restrictive. I think that the people responsible of the Redmine future must take in consideration to allow more people to triage issues, give advices, and take part of future trends on next delivered versions.

For example there is no way to determine what are the future needs among the Redmine users except people adding +1 in the issues comments, there are so many softwares to take in account this need ! and some Redmine plugins too.

The technical expertise of Redmine contributors is the explanation of this software tremendous quality, but I think there is a way to keep this quality and unleash the power of the all people willing to participate to Redmine shining future.

Redmine contributors, stay tuned !