


All Projects option for Saved Queries

Added by Jeff Dombach over 15 years ago

In addition to the sorting and "or" options for saved queries mentioned on other threads. I would like to be able to save a query that shows a list of open issues from every project I am working on.

Replies (6)

RE: All Projects option for Saved Queries - Added by Nick Gorbikoff over 15 years ago

Hi, Jeff.

I was just looking for a similar thing on friday. Here you go:

Go to : http://yourdomain/issues that will give an overview of all projects and all issues

customize filters (open, closed, etc..)

hit save on the right (sort of mid screen) - give it a name and options (public/private)

Hope that helps

RE: All Projects option for Saved Queries - Added by Nick Gorbikoff over 15 years ago

Shoot I meant hit save button ont he left :)

RE: All Projects option for Saved Queries - Added by Jeff Dombach over 15 years ago

I did that, but if you then click on a project then click the saved query it only shows the items related to that project.

RE: All Projects option for Saved Queries - Added by Nick Gorbikoff over 15 years ago

Jeff, I don't think you are going to through the right motions. See attached for results - as you can see you can see tickets from multiple projects.:

1) Go to http://yourdomain/issues?set_filter=1

2) Adjust filters

3) Save

4) Once you save it as a custom query you will be able to go back and readjust.

5) I assume you have the latest redmine stable?

RE: All Projects option for Saved Queries - Added by Jeff Dombach over 15 years ago

I am current running Redmine 0.8.0.stable.2244 in my production environment.

I did it again with the sames results.

After your step 4 do the following:

6) Click on issue 9.

7) Click on the the custom query "All open tickets"

Now my list only includes issues in the same project as issue 9.

Surprised me!


RE: All Projects option for Saved Queries - Added by Vladimir Perepechenko over 7 years ago

Now my list only includes issues in the same project as issue 9.

Yes, it is very bad effect. Very difficult to explain users why they sometime see all project's issues in custom queries and sometime current project's issues.
Please improve this behavior ...

I use ver 3.3
