How change link in projects to issue/new page?
Added by Maciej Boryna about 2 years ago
Hello friends,
Can you help me change the link in the projects?
When I go to the projects page I see all the projects and when I click on the project name it redirects me to the projects home page. I would like it to redirect me to projects/issue/new where I can create a new ticket.
Please tell me where can I change link to issue/new.
Replies (1)
RE: How change link in projects to issue/new page?
Added by Martina A. about 2 years ago
sorry, I could not reproduce this. I can directly create a new ticket from the project home page.
Depending on your configuration you have a '+' tab or a "new issue" tab in the project overview home page.
which Redmine do you use?
could you send a screenshot of the page you want to be redirected?