


I need Help please.

Added by james brown almost 14 years ago

Well besides the fact everything takes forever to rezz with my veiwer, even when there is no lagg at all, idk what the problem is

also when im in a region, forsay a sandbox, ill start to move or use the camera and the veiwer will skip then ill crash or more like the veiwer just shuts off and im back on my desktop homepage, and it has no report of crahsing at all, id like to solve this problem without downloading anything, all my caches have been cleared and im at minimum detail/graphic level, my comp is brand new so idk what in gods name the problem is.

Replies (1)

RE: I need Help please. - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Hello James, I think you have hit the wrong forum, this is the homepage of redmine :-)
