Wiki Multi Level Bullets
Added by Matthew Baker over 16 years ago
Is there any way to get multi-level bulleted lists in the Wiki? I've tried a bunch of different formatting combinations but can't get any of them to work. Any suggestions?
Replies (4)
RE: Wiki Multi Level Bullets
Added by Calvin Cheng over 16 years ago
Hi Matt,
Yes of course, the wiki is running on textile, so if you do something like this:
# This is bullet one ## This is sub-bullet ## This is sub-bullet again
You should be able to render your multi-level bulleted lists.
RE: Wiki Multi Level Bullets
Added by Matthew Baker over 16 years ago
Thanks for the reply, that worked. Do you know of any way to indent a paragraph as if it were part of a list (without actually being in a list)?
RE: Wiki Multi Level Bullets
Added by Calvin Cheng over 16 years ago
Hi Matthew,
You might find the detailed reference to textile syntax useful ->
To your question, I believe a paragraph indent can be specified with this syntaxt:
p(. left ident 1em which is equivalent to html <p style="padding-left:1em;">left ident 1em</p>
I do not use this much though so I do not know how well it works with the bullet indent.
Give that a shot.
RE: Wiki Multi Level Bullets
Added by Rajesh JVLN over 13 years ago
I require the bullets to come as
3. Heading 1
3.1 Heading 2
3.1.1 Heading 3
Can you guide me