Help with repository browsing
Added by Diego Sousa about 16 years ago
I need some help, i already tried everything and i can't view my repository in redmine, my server is running passenger with last redmine from trunk and the repository is git, in the config of project i put the path of git like this /home/xxxxxxx/projeto_final/xxxx/.git and when i try to browse the repository i get a big, The entry or revision was not found in the repository.
I miss something? =/
Replies (3)
RE: Help with repository browsing
Added by Diego Sousa about 16 years ago
This is the problem, anyone know what is this?
ruby script/runner "Repository.fetch_changesets" GLoc v1.1 running in development mode. Strings can be modified at runtime. fatal: unknown date format --date=iso fatal: unknown date format --date=iso
RE: Help with repository browsing
Added by Bernd Lommerzheim about 16 years ago
Maybe your git version is too old. Some parameters were recently introduced to git. What version of git is installed on your server (git --version)?
RE: Help with repository browsing
Added by Otávio Sampaio almost 16 years ago
I had the same problem. At the wiki documentation I've found that now your git version should be at least and my server had the version. Now it's fixed. More info at: