


Improved Repository Plugin - Implementation Help!

Added by ponto andré almost 16 years ago

i am adding functionality to the redmine's repository feature. changing some of the user interaction workflow.

I've modified some of the views and added some js and css.

What i would like to know, is if i can deploy this as a new plugin/extension, instead of a patch.
I believe i would need to create a new plugin that inherits all the Repository Controllers and Models, using my modified views. Also i think the plugin would need to disable the current Repository feature, enabling my own.

Am i right? How should i do this?

Replies (3)

RE: Improved Repository Plugin - Implementation Help! - Added by ponto andré almost 16 years ago

ok, i've been lurking all day. and i've maybe found the solution for this.

so, i need a confirmation: this can be accomplished using Hooks?

RE: Improved Repository Plugin - Implementation Help! - Added by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago

I posted an easier solution to your first message, Try not to cross post in the forums, most people will see your message wherever it is posted to.


RE: Improved Repository Plugin - Implementation Help! - Added by ponto andré almost 16 years ago

i'm sorry. i realize that the another's category post could not be the right one. so i post this here and then i could not manage to delete the other. i should have the normal permissions in mind : x
