


PDF export of wiki pages with images

Added by C Mueller almost 12 years ago

Using the redmin bitnami stack (ubuntu 12.04 LTS, redmine 2.1.2) I'm not able to export wiki pages with images, neither as PDF nor as html. I 've already googled around for a while and found the suggestion to install rmagick.

I tried

sudo gem install rmagick

but this failed. I found a lot of different suggestions to solve this problem by installing different additional packages with apt-get install ... but nothing worked for me.

It would be a really nice feature to have pdf export of wiki pages (or even wiki books) with images. Any help on this point would be appreciated.


Replies (5)

RE: PDF export of wiki pages with images - Added by uwe posting over 11 years ago

jpg in pdf export seems to work out of the box with bitnami redmine stack 2.2.1 (rmagick preinstalled)

RE: PDF export of wiki pages with images - Added by C Mueller over 11 years ago

you wrote "...rmagick preinstalled"
My problem is that I'm not able to install rmagick properly.

RE: PDF export of wiki pages with images - Added by uwe posting over 11 years ago

The question is, if you have to install it. As I said, in bitnami stack 2.2.1 it is already installed by default and therefore jpg images in pdf do work out of the box, so you don't have to install it on your own. However, I will check this for bitnami 2.1.2.
Trying to reinstall rmagick leads to trouble for me as well (because of the preinstalled ImageMagick Lib). I didn't really find a good solution so far as well, but I will try harder :).

RE: PDF export of wiki pages with images - Added by uwe posting over 11 years ago

Didn't find bitnami 2.1.2 Version. In 2.1.6 rmagick is also preinstalled, but I guess this will be the case for 2.1.2 as well. I uninstalled it and go through the following steps...

Check if /opt/bitnami/common/include/ImageMagick and /opt/bitnami/common/bin/Magick-config exists.

If so, try the following:

cd /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/htdocs
gem install rmagick --no-rdoc --no-ri -- --srcdir=/opt/bitnami/common/include/ImageMagick/ --with-opt-lib=/opt/bitnami/common/lib/

If not, try the following:

apt-get install libmagickwand-dev
cd /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/htdocs
gem install rmagick --no-rdoc --no-ri

in both cases run

bundle install --without idontknow

rmagick should now be in the list. (I don't know why this does not just work with bundle install. Actually I have no knowledge about ruby at all and don't know what I'm really doing.)

However, even if you have success, this will probably not solve your problem with the images. RMagick is still still unavailable in Redmine...

Maybe it helps you to step further...
