


To-Do List Manager with Redmine

Added by Lee Taylor over 15 years ago

Hi there,

We notice a need for an easy (AJAX, preferably) to-do list manager to be available within Redmine. Creating separate tasks would be overkill.

Instead of creating tickets for to-do's, it would be great to have this simple functionality available via a page within Redmine.

Does anyone have knowledge of this already existing as a plugin or extension?

It would be great to have the following involved:
+ Ajax-submit (creation, editing, deletion capabilities) for to do lists, and to do-items
+ to-do lists and items that can be connected to a calendar (for due-dates)
+ email reminders for calendar due dates
+ Ability to share viewing capabilities for lists


Replies (5)

RE: To-Do List Manager with Redmine - Added by Lee Taylor over 15 years ago

Just noticed Donebox

And was just wondering if anyone has already integrated this within Redmine by chance?


RE: To-Do List Manager with Redmine - Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago

I don't know of a plugin that does to-do lists like that yet, but it should be possible with the current plugin API.


RE: To-Do List Manager with Redmine - Added by Chris Cage over 15 years ago

I was just thinking this would be a great feature to have. Sort of a "scratch-pad" for quick tasks that don't really need to be tracked as full issues.

I'm not sure where it would live in the interface. It would be handy if it could rest on a page along with the "stuff to do" plugin. That plugin is great for prioritizing existing issues and seeing what a user needs to do next.

Having a screen with the stuff to do plugin and a quick task list would be very useful for the daily overview type of screen.

RE: To-Do List Manager with Redmine - Added by Adam Zielinski about 11 years ago

I created such a plugin for redmine 2, take a look here:
