


Change PDF export page layout

Added by Christoph Keimel over 11 years ago


I would like to change the layout of the pdf export. Most importantly, I would like to increase the left margin. Is there a file which defines the default pdf page layout?


Replies (6)

RE: Change PDF export page layout - Added by Christoph Keimel over 11 years ago

Hi Jan

Thanks for the input. I don't have any experience with ruby, so this is a bit difficult for me. Anyway: I think I found the place you are refering to:

# Landscape A4 = 230 x 297 mm
page_height   = 230
page_width    = 297
right_margin  = 10
bottom_margin = 20
col_id_width  = 10
row_height    = 4

# column widths
table_width = page_width - right_margin - 10  # fixed left margin

To bad there is no left_margin variable ;-).

I tried to replace all occurances of 10 with 25 hoping that I would catch all references to the "fixed left margin", but that had absolutely no effect on the export pdf of a ticket. what it does is mess up the pdf export of a list of issues.


RE: Change PDF export page layout - Added by Youssef Boujraf over 11 years ago


I am trying to add a picture (as logo) on the page layout but I am new in this.

Any help can be appreciate.

Best reagrds,

RE: Change PDF export page layout - Added by Johannes Petersson almost 11 years ago

Did you manage a solution to this Youssef?

RE: Change PDF export page layout - Added by Christoph Keimel almost 11 years ago

No. I stopped trying ...

RE: Change PDF export page layout - Added by Youssef Boujraf over 10 years ago

I am stilling to find how to add extra datas.

May be somebody can help me.

Best Regards,
