


Problems migrating to Redmine 2.3.0

Added by Daniel Armagno almost 11 years ago

After restoring backup from the old server (MySQL server) to the new one I got the following error when I try to run "rake db:migrate".

C:\redmine-2.3.0>rake db:migrate
BuildProjectsTree: migrating ============================================
rake aborted!
An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:

undefined method `inherit_members_changed?' for #<Project:0xc635280>C:/redmine-2
.3.0/app/models/project.rb:85:in `_callback_after_748'
ested_set.rb:185:in `rebuild!'
ested_set.rb:192:in `call'
ested_set.rb:192:in `rebuild!'
C:0:in `each'
C:0:in `__send__'
C:0:in `each'
ested_set.rb:189:in `rebuild!'
C:/redmine-2.3.0/app/models/project.rb:416:in `rebuild_tree!'
C:/redmine-2.3.0/app/models/project.rb:414:in `rebuild_tree!'
C:/redmine-2.3.0/db/migrate/105_build_projects_tree.rb:3:in `up'
C:0:in `__send__'
C:0:in `migrate'
Tasks: TOP => db:migrate
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Source Redmine version: redmine-0.8.4
Target Redmine version: redmine-2.3.0

Replies (5)

RE: Problems migrating to Redmine 2.3.0 - Added by Thomas Löber almost 11 years ago

Migration 105_build_projects_tree.rb triggers callbacks which use the projects.inherit_members column. This column is added later with migration 20130202090625_add_projects_inherited_members.rb.

So this migration has to be run first:

rails console
> ActiveRecord::Base.connection.initialize_schema_migrations_table
> require "db/migrate/20130202090625_add_projects_inherit_members" 
>, nil).send(:record_version_state_after_migrating, 20130202090625)
> exit

rake db:migrate

RE: Problems migrating to Redmine 2.3.0 - Added by Jasen Burkett about 9 years ago

I tried the suggestion from Thomas Lober and when I get to the second part of his suggestion, I get an error, stating that it can not find the file db/migrate/20130202090625_add_projects_inherit_members

I need some serious help with my error that I am getting. please help.

rake aborted!
StandardError: An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:

undefined method `inherit_members_changed?'

This is just the first part of the error.

RE: Problems migrating to Redmine 2.3.0 - Added by Thomas Löber about 9 years ago

Please ensure that you are in the root directory of your Rails app when starting rails console.

As an alternative you can change the second command to:

require "#{Rails.root}/db/migrate/20130202090625_add_projects_inherit_members"

I hope that helps.

RE: Problems migrating to Redmine 2.3.0 - Added by Jasen Burkett about 9 years ago

I actually was able to get that part taken care of.

Now that I have redone the migration, my email in and out is not working... i really need some help on why that is..
