


Disable "Description updated (diff)" upon issue updates

Added by Naftali Reznik over 11 years ago


I keep getting "Description updated (diff)" message in the issue once i make any changes to the issue, and i dont want that to show up.

How can i disable it?

Thank you so much,

Replies (4)

RE: Disable "Description updated (diff)" upon issue updates - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Not sure but I don't think you can disable the history, no.

RE: Disable "Description updated (diff)" upon issue updates - Added by B Q over 9 years ago

Are we still unable to disable or delete this update history?

Tickets that require many changes could get messy.

RE: Disable "Description updated (diff)" upon issue updates - Added by Mark Tomm over 3 years ago


In my case it would be enough to have some html switch/tick box in the issue, e.g. "Hide updated", that would just hide all the ... updated (diff) messages under History of an issue. So the real history in server db would stay intact, the html switch would just hide them from the users view in the browser.
