


redmine 2.2.4 sendmail setup

Added by arie yuniarto over 10 years ago

hi i'm just installing redmine 2.2.4 on hostgator shared hosting

on the configuration.ym i set the email notification using sendmail

  1. default configuration options for all environments
    default: # Outgoing emails configuration (see examples above)
    delivery_method: :sendmail
    arguments: "-i -t"

when i click on send test email, the indicator said success but no email is coming to my inbox.

anyone knows how to solve this?

Replies (2)

RE: redmine 2.2.4 sendmail setup - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

According to what I saw, :sendmail seems the way to go on hostgator
The emails may well be considered as SPAM is there is a mismatch between the sender address and the server actually sending the email.
You may try to use an email of your organization (or gmail) and use a SMTP configuration.
You may also want to contact the hostgator support.

RE: redmine 2.2.4 sendmail setup - Added by arie yuniarto over 10 years ago

hi thank you for your answer but the email never coming even in spam/junk folder.

and i'm also trying using google smtp but it got error.

the error is : An error occurred while sending mail (Connection refused - connect(2))

any idea how to solve this?
