


steps for back up and restoration in Redmine

Added by Manu ps about 10 years ago

I'm using Redmine 2.2.0 and can any one please tell what are the steps required for back up restoration of redmine.Note that I have two types of backup one is attatchment and other is db backup and I'm working on linux environment also please give me the commands for extracting the dump and etc....

Replies (8)

RE: steps for back up and restoration in Redmine - Added by Lajish Lakshmanan about 10 years ago

U can create db backup using phpmyadmin from web browser itself. It will export whole db in SQL format

RE: steps for back up and restoration in Redmine - Added by Manu ps about 10 years ago

But I want to know if I had 2 back ups db and files then what are the steps that i need to do to restore my redmine database

RE: steps for back up and restoration in Redmine - Added by Lajish Lakshmanan about 10 years ago

U can create a db in mysql and import ur db backup(.sql file) using import option. In newly configured redmine, set these db settings in connection string i.e. in database.yml file.

RE: steps for back up and restoration in Redmine - Added by Manu ps about 10 years ago

What all the commands that i need to use?

RE: steps for back up and restoration in Redmine - Added by Lajish Lakshmanan about 10 years ago

install apache,mysql,redmine
I wud be better if u use MySQL workbench as front end ui. From there u can create a db and provide db credentials in database.yml file. In this db, u can import that .sql file.

RE: steps for back up and restoration in Redmine - Added by Lajish Lakshmanan about 10 years ago

Lajish Lakshmanan wrote:

install apache,mysql,redmine
I wud be better if u use MySQL workbench as front end ui. From there u can create a db and provide db credentials in database.yml file. In this db, u can import that .sql file.

RE: steps for back up and restoration in Redmine - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 10 years ago

Manu ps wrote:

I'm using Redmine 2.2.0 and can any one please tell what are the steps required for back up restoration of redmine.Note that I have two types of backup one is attatchment and other is db backup and I'm working on linux environment also please give me the commands for extracting the dump and etc....

Do you already have the backups in place and want to restore something?

What all the commands that i need to use?

Nobody can give you an answer to that unless you tell us which backup software you use. It would be a very good idea if you use the search engine of your choice and look for information on how to restore.

If you don't have a backup in place and want to get something up and running, then I suggest you enter the search terms "backup Mysql database" in a search engine - you will find a whole lot of tools and at least a couple of them will suit your needs. For the files you could use everything from CommVault to tar, although I'd personally prefer something more comfortable (attic, obnam, rdiff-backup, amanda, ...).

Backups aren't about software, they are a process that needs to be carefully thought out, process execution with extraordinary diligence is also crucially: You don't just set up a cron job that does the backup of your data. You also need to verify the process from time to time, validate that the process still covers all your specific needs and a whole lot more...

It's that knowledge that's - at least in part - one of the reasons why good linux administrators earn good money ;-)
