


Problem with LDAP

Added by Николай Остроушко about 10 years ago


I recently encountered the Redmine, so some things for me may not be clear. I installed Redmine and set it up, I decided to set up authentication using LDAP, but unfortunately nothing has worked. There is a 2-server LDAP. 1 - Active Directory. 2 - OpenLDAP (created only for test redmine, nothing more). With plugin Ldap Sync, I checked that it sees LDAP. But the strange thing is that it only sees the group LDAP, but users - no. Tell me how to configure LDAP?

My system (I have 2 test system):
1. CentOS, Redmine 2.5.0, nginx(1.6.1), gems 2.2.2, Rails 3.2.19
2. CentOS, Redmine 2.5.2, Apache (2.2.15), gems 2.2.2, Rails 3.2.17

Replies (1)

RE: Problem with LDAP - Added by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

This is cross post of Trouble with LDAP.
