


Downgrade from 3.1.0 to 2.6.6

Added by Ben Wong about 9 years ago

Because more plugins are supported for 2.6.6 version. I planed to downgrade my redmine from 3.1.0 to 2.6.6. But I found there's no related offical doc. Does anyone have related experience?

I tried to copy old redmine source replace the new version, but met some issues, such as:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column issue_statuses.is_default does not exist
LINE 1: ... "issue_statuses".* FROM "issue_statuses" WHERE "issue_sta...
: SELECT "issue_statuses".* FROM "issue_statuses" WHERE "issue_statuses"."is_default" = 't' LIMIT 1):
app/models/issue_status.rb:41:in `default'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:445:in `check_for_default_issue_status'

It seems there's db changes between these two versions.

Replies (1)

RE: Downgrade from 3.1.0 to 2.6.6 - Added by Buzze Kr ies about 9 years ago

Hi Ben,
from my experience, downgrading is always critical.
And for me only once worked from 3.0.1 back to 2.5...

My steps back then:
  • Remove all plugins. Acc. to removal instructions from plugin maintainer/
  • Have a second system setup (with 2.6.6)
  • Dump MySQL DB.
  • Copy directory FILES to new machine
  • Merge config settings (in /config/*.yml) files to new old system manually
  • Import DB in new old Redmine
  • Restart Webserver on new old machine
  • Try to get into Redmine
  • Reinstall Plugins. Plugin by Plugin

But I only managed to do so once.

And: No guarantee!

Generally, better use backups to re-activate an old system.

