


Can I Log time directly from inbound email?

Added by Matthew Paul over 8 years ago

I am using the inbound email functionality to create and update issues. I am using the keywords like priority and status to update those fields. Works great (and BTW Redmine is AWESOME!)

What I would like to do is also log time entries within that same inbound email. I can see that there is already functionality to do this from a repository commit, but I can't see how I can do it from the email itself. So it would be nice to have the same kind of syntax like -

time: #issuenum,@1h30,username,somecomment,activityname,yyyy-mm-dd

It seems like if the functionality is already built into the commit, it might already be in the standard email update functionality as well, and I just don't know how to do it, so any advice or help appreciated, either in terms of the functionality or a plugin that would allow that.

BTW, again, great software. I'm an Oracle Applications consultant with over 20 years experience. I work on apps systems costing multiple millions of $$$, and we don't have the kind of functionality I see here. Truly excellent.

With regard to all the tech info, I'm running a bitnami stack, so I think (???)

- Ruby implementation and version - 3???
- Rails version (rails --version) ?
- Operating system (precise if you're using cygwin when running on Windows) - Ubuntu 64 bit
- Database used, and its version - MYSQL
- Ruby-aware server used: Webrick, Mongrel, Thin, etc. If you don't understand this point, you're using Webrick. ?