[Solved] Plugin Rate - Error Installing || RateHelper ||
Added by Sofia Moon about 7 years ago
Hey everyone,
I need to install Rate plugin on RedMin, but I keep getting an error when I try to install tis plugin, I've sucessfully installed other plugins, but this one, is really cracking me up :/
I get this error:
[smoon@localhost current]# rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production --trace ** Invoke redmine:plugins:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment rake aborted! NameError: uninitialized constant RedmineRate::Patches::UsersHelperPatch::RatesHelper /var/www/html/redmine/current/plugins/redmine_rate-master/lib/redmine_rate/patches/users_helper_patch.rb:5:in `included'
How can I get "RatesHelper" or how do I work around this?
Here is my info:
SO: CentOS7
Environment: Redmine version 3.4.2.stable Ruby version 2.2.6-p396 (2016-11-15) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 4.2.8 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 SCM: Subversion 1.7.14 Git
Site where I've donwloaded rate plugin: github.com/alphanodes/redmine_rate
Thank you very much all,
Best regards,
Replies (2)
RE: Plugin Rate - Error Installing || RateHelper || - Added by Alexander Meindl about 7 years ago
Hi sferreira,
you have to use redmine_rate as directory name for this plugin and not redmine_rate-master. Be aware, Redmine 3.4.x is only supported by redmine_rate 1.0.0 or newer.
See https://github.com/AlphaNodes/redmine_rate#installation for more information.
I hope, this'll help you.
Cu alex
RE: Plugin Rate - Error Installing || RateHelper || - Added by Sofia Moon about 7 years ago
Alexander Meindl wrote:
Hi sferreira,
you have to use redmine_rate as directory name for this plugin and not redmine_rate-master. Be aware, Redmine 3.4.x is only supported by redmine_rate 1.0.0 or newer.
See https://github.com/AlphaNodes/redmine_rate#installation for more information.
I hope, this'll help you.
Cu alex
Oh my dearest god!
I've changed the directory name like you've sugested to redmine_rate and it worked like a charm!!
I didn't even tought about it, because when I installed the helpdesk plugin, it came as redmine_helpdesk-master, and since the other plugins were with the directory name without "master" I've changed the name to redmine_helpdesk, but when I tried to install it it gave me an error saying that the directory didn't existed, so I've changed back to "redmine_helpdesk-master" and it was installed sucessfully, so I just thought that it would be the same with rate plugin, that it was configured in a way that it would get the directory name redmine_rate-master (silly me!!).
#hum.. then this means that helpdesk plugin must be installed the wrong way, I need to see how to install it then without the "master" on the directory path.
Thank you so so much Alexander, you rock!
Best regards,