


Failed openLdap connection

Added by Pol Pujol over 6 years ago

Helo, I have Redmine 3.4.4stable running on a fedora server. When I trying to join my OpenLDAP Server via web on Redmine I get the next error.
(Permission denied - connect(2) for "" port 389)

Can somebody help me?

Name OpenLdap
Host "Ip of host"
Port 389 LDAPS No
Account cn=admin,dc=myrealdomain,dc=com
Password ***
Base DN ou=people,dc=myrealdomain,dc=com
On-the-fly user creation No
Login uid

(Permission denied - connect(2) for "" port 389)

Replies (2)

RE: Failed openLdap connection - Added by Siddharth Kaul over 6 years ago

Perform the ldapsearch with the details that you have provided and see whether you get the same information.

To perform ldap search using php you can refer to documentation here.

RE: Failed openLdap connection - Added by Brian Rose over 3 years ago

I think this is the LDAP search that you need to do. From the information on the Administration...LDAP Authentication...<system name> page.

I am trying to see the details about the search coming back to troubleshoot the issue. The redmine log file only mentions that the authentication failed.

I want to use the query below. Can someone confirm that I have this right?

  1. Argument = Redmine Setting
  2. -H = Host, port,LDAPS
  3. -D = Account used to query the LDAP server
  4. -W = Password entered on command line
  5. -b = Base DN
  6. -S = Login attribute
  7. (objectClass=person) = LDAP Filter #

ldapsearch -D cn=ldapuser,OU=users,DC=ad,DC=company,DC=com -x -W -S 'sAMAccountName' -b 'OU=users,DC=ad,DC=company,DC=com' -H 'ldap://' '(objectClass=person)'
