


Set "my page" as default home page

Added by Serkan Durusoy over 15 years ago

I want our users to be automatically redirected to "my page" as soon as they login.

Is there a straightforward way to accomplish this?

Replies (4)

RE: Set "my page" as default home page - Added by Brad Mace over 15 years ago

If they're following a link to get there, just add /my/page to the link. Otherwise you could use URL rewriting to point them there.

RE: Set "my page" as default home page - Added by kay in t Veen about 15 years ago

has anyone got a good/better awnser to this. i also try to do this!

RE: Set "my page" as default home page - Added by Ondrej Svejkovsky over 2 years ago

We created a plugin that redirects users to My page after login. See
