


Risks plugin

Added by Daniel Neis Araujo almost 14 years ago


i am doing further development with Isotrol's Redmine RiskMGNT Plugin.
You can view the work and also clone the git repository that is at

I am also waiting for response from Isotrol about remove the dual licencing and keep just GPL.

Hope you like.

Best regards,

Replies (6)

RE: Risks plugin - Added by Pinch' Al over 13 years ago

The forge's isotrol servers are down since a while, I guess they leave the projects.

I'm happy someone keep this plugin working, thanks a lot!
Do you expect to keep working the other plugins? (request and estimer)

RE: Risks plugin - Added by Rodrigo Nanjarí over 13 years ago

I suggest to inscribe this usefull plugin to the Plugin Directory

RE: Risks plugin - Added by Pinch' Al over 13 years ago

Yes, I agree.
But I don't know which RedMine version are compatible, all I can say is the plugin doesn't work on my RedMine v1.1.1

RE: Risks plugin - Added by Daniel Neis Araujo over 13 years ago


sorry, i have dedicated little/no time to this project on last months, i will try to update de code to work with 1.1.1
Also, i am thinking about redmine the plugin to redmine_risks as the is expected to be checked-out in vendor/plugins/redmine_risks .

I am not planning in support the other plugins for myself, but i can do a free lance job if you are interested =)

Also, any help in test or request features would be nice. I am planning to remove the global risks and everything, but i don't know if it is useful for someone or some process like CMMI or whatever...


RE: Risks plugin - Added by Rodrigo Nanjarí over 13 years ago

Stéphane Pinchaux wrote:

Yes, I agree.
But I don't know which RedMine version are compatible, all I can say is the plugin doesn't work on my RedMine v1.1.1

so strange, it works fine on my redmine v1.1.1 with:
  • ruby 1.8.7
  • rails 2.3.5

RE: Risks plugin - Added by Pinch' Al over 13 years ago

My apologies, it was my fault. This plugin perfectly works on RedMine V1.1.1
