


Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time)

Added by Alfredo Bonilla about 13 years ago

I've created this entry for having several requests for this good plugin. Very useful. Here are my considerations:

  • The activites shown do not correspond to the active ones for the selected project. They should be reloaded with the right ones for the selected project
  • The user displayed in the User Lists, should be the current one (by default)
  • The layout is displaying info requiring a not really confortable horizontal scroll

Replies (59)

IE7 doesn't work with it - Added by Steve Stefanovich almost 13 years ago

IE7 crashes with "Operation aborted" when trying to edit or add new time. Tried 0.0.6 and 0.0.7.

Yep, I know IE7 is ancient, but it would help if it's something simple to fix. A lot of potential users in corporate world are stuck with earlier versions of IE because of their Windows upgrade cycles.

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian almost 13 years ago

We have done decent testing with IE 7.0.6002.18005 on Windows Vista. We did not find any issues.
Does the whole IE crash or just the page ?
Have you tested this on other machines which has IE7 ?

I am thinking this could be an IE or a OS Patch issue. Try getting the latest updates uwing Windows Updates and see if it fixes it



RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Steve Stefanovich almost 13 years ago

Hi Dhanasingh,

Just the page crashes. I've attached a screenshot, maybe it helps with which page element causes the crash. We're on 7.0.5730.13.

Unfortunately, we are locked out of updating machines individually; updates are packaged and pushed out to clients.

ie7.png (26.5 KB) ie7.png

export to PDF?... - Added by Steve Stefanovich almost 13 years ago

More importantly - we'll get rid of IE7 with upgrade to Win 7, hopefully soon - do you have any plans to offer a PDF export of individual wk-time page? With layout that will include team member and manager signatures, and potentially company logo and purchase order number, I can see how this little plugin of yours can become really useful.

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian almost 13 years ago

We tested it on Windows XP (service pack 3) and IE 7.0.5730.13 and it works fine.
Can you please check what OS service pack you have on your machine

Can you check with firefox or chrome ?

Looks like your IE is not liking the JQuery which came with 0.0.7
or the javascript code which came with 0.0.6

This may be due to something with the OS patch.

Regarding the PDF export, never thought about it, if there are enough interest in the community for this feature, we can look into it.

thanks again for your feedback, please check on the OS patch / other browsers and let me know.



RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Martin Dubé almost 13 years ago

I'd be very interested in a 'export to pdf' feature. +1 for that.

I have been working on a few enhancements on my side which I plan to make available once I merge with the 0.0.7 version.

Great and very appreciated work Dhanasingh!


RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian almost 13 years ago

thanks Martin, look forward to seeing your enhancements.

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Sanjay Jain almost 13 years ago

This is a great plugin. I'm wondering if there are plans to allow the use of custom fields?

IE7 & PDF - Added by Steve Stefanovich almost 13 years ago

Dhanasingh Krishnapandian wrote:

We tested it on Windows XP (service pack 3) and IE 7.0.5730.13 and it works fine.
Can you please check what OS service pack you have on your machine

Can you check with firefox or chrome ?

Firefox / Chrome work fine. Probable cause is the OS - it's service pack 2 XP with custom packaged later patches. Don't worry about it at the moment, hopefully the upcoming Win7 upgrade and IE8-9 will resolve it.

Regarding the PDF export, never thought about it, if there are enough interest in the community for this feature, we can look into it.

Great, let's hope more people ask for it here.

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian almost 13 years ago

Sanjay, thanks for your feedback. yeah this request has come up before, we will take a look.

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Rachid B almost 13 years ago


I find this plugin really helpful. In my opinion it lacks only one feature. The possibility to enter the start and endtime of a day. So I know how much i worked, and how much time i have to log.

For example
Mon Tue ..
Start 9:31
End 18:32
Total: 9:01
Start 8:00
End 18:15
Total: 10:15
Ticket 1 0 2 ..
Ticket 2 2.15 0 ..
Ticket n 2.0 8 ..
time -3:46 -0:15 ..

What do you think?


RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian almost 13 years ago

ok, lets see if there are more people interested in this feature.

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Terence Mill almost 13 years ago

Rachid B wrote:


I find this plugin really helpful. In my opinion it lacks only one feature. The possibility to enter the start and endtime of a day. So I know how much i worked, and how much time i have to log.

For example
Mon Tue ..
Start 9:31
End 18:32
Total: 9:01
Start 8:00
End 18:15
Total: 10:15
Ticket 1 0 2 ..
Ticket 2 2.15 0 ..
Ticket n 2.0 8 ..
time -3:46 -0:15 ..

What do you think?


+1 - very useful

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Damian Rafferty almost 13 years ago

Could you modify the project drop down box to show the hierarchy of projects and sub projects, the same as the default jump to drop down.

Project 1
>> Sub Project 1
>> Sub Project 2
Project 2
>> Sub Project 1
>> Sub Project 2

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Alexander Schramm almost 13 years ago

Damian Rafferty wrote:

Could you modify the project drop down box to show the hierarchy of projects and sub projects, the same as the default jump to drop down.

Project 1

Sub Project 1
Sub Project 2

Project 2

Sub Project 1
Sub Project 2

this would be very useful for us too!

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian almost 13 years ago

I will add this to our feature list. thanks

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Tomasz Sawicki almost 13 years ago

My suggestion is to use size method for counting items in arrays instead of count (as in index.html.erb and new.html.erb) for this plugin to work in Ruby < 1.8.7.
Also caption in menu item definition (init.rb) should be :label_wktime (or some new label) to allow for its localization.

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian almost 13 years ago

Tomasz, thanks for your comments, will take a look.

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Mikael Mechoulam almost 13 years ago

the plugin is not compatible with 1.4. So far it seems that the main problems are the well-know default route problem (, the use of earliest_date_for_project that has disappeared in timeentry, and the arcondition that does not exist any more.
Could you give us the patch for compatibility ? Thanks for your good work

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian almost 13 years ago

Thanks for your feedback.
Right now it is compatible with 1.2
I will take a look and release a patch soon.


performance issue - Added by Steve Stefanovich almost 13 years ago

I'm seeing queries taking a long time in the log

Processing WktimeController#edit (for a.b.c.d at 2012-04-26 17:47:29) [GET]
  Parameters: {"mon"=>"2012-04-23", "action"=>"edit", "user_id"=>"10", "controller"=>"wktime"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering wktime/edit
Completed in 2766ms (View: 2625, DB: 31) | 200 OK [http://xxx/redmine/wktime/edit?mon=2012-04-23&user_id=10]

This is for a timesheet of 15 or so rows with different project/issue combinations. Two or three rows are tolerable - takes about a second or so.

Can anything be done to make it faster? Where one should be looking to speed it up a bit? I can see bunch of Javascript being loaded in the view, is it really necessary?


RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian almost 13 years ago

Weekly Timesheet plugin version 0.0.8 is released which is compatible with Redmine 1.4.1
Here are some additional changes to 0.0.8
- used size instead of count for arrays to make it compatible with ruby 1.8.6
- enabled internationalization on the plugin name on top menu

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian almost 13 years ago

thanks for your feedback
will take a look at the performance issue.


RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Andrea Di Marco over 12 years ago

We have upgraded to new 2.x Redmine and I'm missing this great plugin...
Are you working/plannig 2.0 compatibility?

This plugin is a must-have indeed!


RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 12 years ago

yes, we are working on 2.0 compatibility issues.
in a few hours we will be releasing weekly timesheet plugin 0.9 which is compatible with redmine 2.0.

