


How to acces to a priviledge from a view.

Added by Antoine Rodriguez about 12 years ago


I have in my init.rb this :

project_module :plugin_name do
permission :disable_this, :issue => :index

In my view I have this :
<% if User.current.allowed_to?(:disable_this, @issue) %>

Followed by the end syntax after the bloc of code that I want to filter.

My trouble is that the permission work like as if it was global and not role based.

When I access with a role with disable_this enabled then my bloc of code isn't showed. But it acts the same with a role that has disable_this disabled until I disable it from the first role.

How can I change my if condition in order to check the permission at role level ?

Best regards,

Replies (1)

RE: How to acces to a priviledge from a view. - Added by Antoine Rodriguez about 12 years ago


I'm quite a begginer in both redmine and ruby on rails .... The answer may seem obvious but please :

If someone knows how to check if one role has the permission and another not : please answer me !

Thank you very much for the help.

Best regards.
