


Embedded Plugin

Added by Rafi Greenberg over 12 years ago

Could someone please post a version of this plugin that is compatible with Redmine 2.0.x?

Replies (11)

RE: Embedded Plugin - Added by Rafi Greenberg over 12 years ago

This plugin used to ship with Redmine and is now broken. We rely on this plugin for daily use. A little help please???

Thanks :)

RE: Embedded Plugin - Added by Rafi Greenberg over 12 years ago

Help! Please!

RE: Embedded Plugin - Added by Rafi Greenberg over 12 years ago

I can almost do this myself, if someone can help translate the following routing lines to Rails 3:

class << ActionController::Routing::Routes;self;end.class_eval do
  define_method :clear!, lambda {}

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
  map.connect 'embedded/:id/*path', :controller => 'embedded', :action => 'index'

RE: Embedded Plugin - Added by Rafi Greenberg over 12 years ago

Ok, here's my daily plea for help with this plugin.

RE: Embedded Plugin - Added by Rafi Greenberg over 12 years ago

bump please

RE: Embedded Plugin - Added by Rafi Greenberg over 12 years ago

I'm just about ready to offer to pay someone to handle this? Anybody interested?

RE: Embedded Plugin - Added by Reuben Mallaby about 12 years ago

Hi Rafi,
As in I am currently working on this.

RE: Embedded Plugin - Added by Reuben Mallaby about 12 years ago

Hi Rafi - would you like to try and see if it works for you?

RE: Embedded Plugin - Added by Rafi Greenberg about 12 years ago

That seems to work! Thanks!!!
