


Easy WBS Plugin. not save new create item

Added by Vlad Snijko almost 8 years ago

install bitnami redmine.
install plagin.
activate rest api
create project
enter to tab
create new task(enter when task in focus)
name it. and come up "!" click to it.
enter to edit task view.
update it.
save it.
and i get error
WBS failed to save properly

Issue tasName could not be created: Project cannot be blank, Tracker cannot be blank, Status cannot be blank
Do you want to ignore unsaved items and reload data from server?

can someone help me

Replies (1)

RE: Easy WBS Plugin. not save new create item - Added by Vlad Snijko almost 8 years ago

problem whos in plugin "WBS Plugin". this error reproduce if you create sub-project.
maybe it is feature ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
