


Code Review Plugin

Added by Haruyuki Iida over 15 years ago

Hi. Let me announce to you My "Code Review Plugin" .It makes you can write code reviews of committed source code on Redmine's "Diff" page of repository browser.

like this...

Adding review.

Adding rview

Showing reviews.

Showing reviews

I tested this plugin on Redmine 0.8.3 and current trunk.
I hope you will like this plugin. Thanks.

add_review.png (21.4 KB) add_review.png Adding rview
show_reviews.png (45 KB) show_reviews.png Showing reviews

Replies (118)

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Alessandro Hecht over 15 years ago


Brazilian Portuguese Translation for Code Review Plugin

pt-br.yml (837 Bytes) pt-br.yml Brazilian Portuguese Translation for Code Review Plugin

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Muhamed niyas over 15 years ago

Haru Iida wrote:


If you can use any SQL client tool, connect to database and execute SQL below.


Thanks Haru..
Now all unwanted records deleted.

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Muhamed niyas over 15 years ago

Haru Iida wrote:

Thanks Michael, Jens.

I just released redmine_code_review-

  • feature
    • German translation added.
  • todo
    • "My page" block with code reviews
    • use different image for closed reviews
    • show a report with recently committed files
    • expert mode

Hi Haru,

Is there any plan to implement, assigning a developer to review the recently changed files?
Also a Project leader to monitor the status of the
recently changed files whether its reviewed or not.

It will be very helpful if v can give a filter option in the code review module similar to
the one in the Issue Tab.

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Haruyuki Iida over 15 years ago

Thanks Alessandro, Muhamed

Code Review Plugin 0.1.5 released.

  • feature
    • Brazilian Portuguese Translation
  • bug fix
    • Mail notification failed when commiter was not a redmine user.
  • todo
    • "My page" block with code reviews
    • use different image for closed reviews
    • show a report with recently committed files
    • expert mode
    • review assignment
    • filter option for review list

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Péter Major over 15 years ago


I've just tried out the new version and I think I found a bug in it:
If you open a revision page, like this url:
http://<<host>>/repositories/diff/<<projectname>>?rev=753 for example, then the following message is showing up:


change not found.
@path = ''
@changeset = #<Changeset:0xb7773cf8>
@rev = 753

But the rest of the page is rendered correctly. (The production log doesn't contains anything relevant to this.)

I'm using SVN and Redmine 0.8.4.

I also attached the hungarian translation for the plugin.

hu.yml (813 Bytes) hu.yml Hungarian translation for Code Review Plugin

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Haruyuki Iida over 15 years ago

Thanks Péter.

Code Review Plugin 0.1.6 was released.

  • features
    • Hungarian Translation was added.
    • Image of closed reviews was changed.
  • bug fix
    • Error occured on "View differences" page.
  • todo
    • "My page" block with code reviews
    • show a report with recently committed files
    • expert mode
    • review assignment
    • filter option for review list

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by SyRenity Now over 15 years ago


Installed on Redmine 0.8.4, Bitnami edition, but there is no edit buttons?


RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Jua Jua over 15 years ago

Hi there; installation aparently without problems but... I DON'T GET ANY PLACE TO CREATE THE NEW REVIEW?
I've checked in the diffs, in the different points of activity and repository... any hint?

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by MArtin Guillon over 15 years ago

Same here, redmine 0.8.4 and code review 1.6.0.
I cant see the edit icon.
Moreover the Code reviews page provoke an internal error
Need help

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by SyRenity Now over 15 years ago

Update - I forgot to turn-on the Code Review for project.

After I did it, it worked fine.

I did ran rake - which might have been not mentioned in instructions?

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Jua Jua over 15 years ago

I don't think that's my case. I get the Code Reviews tab, I can set up notifications, but I don't see the "pencil" in any of my diffs...

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Jua Jua over 15 years ago

Somehow, the hook is not working in my projects... does this code help?

class CodeReviewApplicationHooks < Redmine::Hook::ViewListener

  def view_layouts_base_html_head(context = {})
    project = context[:project]
    return '' unless project
    controller = context[:controller]
    return '' unless controller       # HERE IT GOES !!!
    action_name = controller.action_name
    return '' unless action_name
    baseurl = url_for(:controller => 'code_review', :action => 'index', :id => project) + '/../../..'

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Haruyuki Iida over 15 years ago

Jua Jua wrote:

Somehow, the hook is not working in my projects... does this code help?


Hi, Jua Jua.
I think your Redmine is quite old. Maybe 0.8.0 or 0.8.1? This plugin needs codes of #2542.

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Haruyuki Iida over 15 years ago

MArtin Guillon wrote:

Same here, redmine 0.8.4 and code review 1.6.0.
I cant see the edit icon.
Moreover the Code reviews page provoke an internal error
Need help

Hi, MArtin.
Any stack trace in your production.log?

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by MArtin Guillon over 15 years ago

We found the solution, our database wass messed up ;)
Thanks for answering

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Jua Jua over 15 years ago

Haru Iida wrote:

Hi, Jua Jua.
I think your Redmine is quite old. Maybe 0.8.0 or 0.8.1? This plugin needs codes of #2542.

you're right. Upgraded to 0.8.4 and works fine!

Good work, thanks!

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Paul paul over 15 years ago

The plugin (0.1.6) doesn't work for me.. It's added to the project, I can configure its options (to notify me of changes), but no pencil icon in code review. Tried on Opera and Firefox. Any ideas?
This is on 0.8.4

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Akiko Takano over 15 years ago

Paul paul wrote:

The plugin (0.1.6) doesn't work for me.. It's added to the project, I can configure its options (to notify me of changes), but no pencil icon in code review. Tried on Opera and Firefox. Any ideas?
This is on 0.8.4

Hello, Iida-san and everyone.

I also tried to use CodeReview plugin, but I could not find any pencil icons at Repository view.
My environment is follows:

CodeReview Plugin 0.1.6

$ ruby script/about
About your application's environment
Ruby version 1.8.7 (i686-linux)
RubyGems version 1.3.1
Rails version 2.1.2
Active Record version 2.1.2
Action Pack version 2.1.2
Active Resource version 2.1.2
Action Mailer version 2.1.2
Active Support version 2.1.2
Edge Rails revision unknown
Application root /home/takano/redmine0.8.4
Environment development
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 101
Test browser: IE8 & Firefox3
My test repository is Subversion.
I can see Code Review Tab and plugin information without any problem, and any error messages were not found.
I wonder why I can't see edit icons for CodeReview.
Do I have to check HTML source which generated by redmine?

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Akiko Takano over 15 years ago

I'm sorry I can't post my message well.
Please let me post my environment again.


  CodeReview Plugin 0.1.6

  $ ruby script/about
  About your application's environment
  Ruby version              1.8.7 (i686-linux)
  RubyGems version          1.3.1
  Rails version             2.1.2
  Active Record version     2.1.2
  Action Pack version       2.1.2
  Active Resource version   2.1.2
  Action Mailer version     2.1.2
  Active Support version    2.1.2
  Edge Rails revision       unknown
  Application root          /home/takano/redmine0.8.4
  Environment               development
  Database adapter          mysql
  Database schema version   101

Test browser: IE8 & Firefox3

My test repository is Subversion.
I can see Code Review Tab and plugin information without any problem, and any error messages were not found.

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Akiko Takano about 15 years ago

Iida-san and everyone:
I'm sorry and I hated to bother you about above question...

After your advice, I could find the edit(pencil) icon and added the review message.
So, the reason why I failed first was that I had misread about this plugin's manual.

Please let me confirm the step:
  • To see the edit icon and window, not to click "View differences" or "Annotate", but the link such as " diff " which is just after the target source code.
  • We can add the review message between the target version and it's previous version.
    (Diff between the source which goes back more than twe generations, we can't add the review messages.)

You helped me a great deal, thank you so much!

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Muhamed niyas about 15 years ago

I am using redmine 0.8.3 and i updated latest code review
(redmine_code_review- plugin. It was working fine
before the last update. Now redmine shows an error if i click the
'code review' tab.

Internal error

An error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistance.

Also i cannt see the pencil icon if i check the differnce view.

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Marshall Wu about 15 years ago

Hi, I made a Simplified Chinese translation of code_review plugin.

zh.yml (801 Bytes) zh.yml Simplified Chinese i18n

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Thomas M about 15 years ago

Hi Haru,
according to you repository you're comitting a lot of very insteresting and promising stuff !

As far as I'm concerned I would love to know if you've planned #35 task ;)

Thanks for your work !

RE: Code Review Plugin - Added by Haruyuki Iida about 15 years ago

Paul paul wrote:

The plugin (0.1.6) doesn't work for me.. It's added to the project, I can configure its options (to notify me of changes), but no pencil icon in code review. Tried on Opera and Firefox. Any ideas?

Hi Paul.
Click the "diff" link of the repository browser and please show me a html source which generated by redmine.

diff.png (15.1 KB) diff.png