


Wiki Extensions Plugin

Added by Haruyuki Iida over 15 years ago

Let me announce to you My "Wiki Extensions Plugin".
This plugin adds some wiki macros and enhancements to your redmine.

  • Sidebar
  • Footnote
  • Comment form
  • Tags
  • and more.

Demo page is here .

Thank you.

Replies (148)

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by FLX _ about 14 years ago


Love the plugin! It's one of the best out there?
I like the fact that you can make a list of the recently updated pages.
Is it possible to list all the pages that have certain tags applied to them? e.g listing all articles with the tag "apple"?

Thanks and keep on rocking!


Wiki Extensions Plugin 0.2.3 Released. - Added by Haruyuki Iida about 14 years ago

Wiki Extensions Plugin 0.2.3 Released.

note: This version works only on Redmimne 1.0.1 or later.


  • Now auto preview works of forum messages.
  • iframe macro has default width and height.
  • Polish translation.
  • Remove sidebar functionality.
  • Sortable table.
  • twitter macro added.
  • taggepages macro added.

For more information, check the following page.


RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by FLX _ almost 14 years ago

Hi Haru Ida,

Thank you very much for the macro in the latest build!
However, when using it it creates urls in the form of instead of By using dynamic URLS it doesn't work for clean urls such as in my Redmine installation, is there some setting to adjust?

list-pages.png (11.7 KB) list-pages.png Listing all pages within a project, example

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by FLX _ almost 14 years ago

Also, if possible I'd like to have a way to list all articles within a project wiki, it would even be better if it could be grouped as shown in the example I've attached to this message.

Thanks for your awesome work! I'll donate some money soon!

list-pages.png (11.7 KB) list-pages.png Listing all pages within a project, example

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by FLX _ almost 14 years ago

FLX FLX wrote:

Hi Haru Ida,

Thank you very much for the macro in the latest build!
However, when using it it creates urls in the form of instead of By using dynamic URLS it doesn't work for clean urls such as in my Redmine installation, is there some setting to adjust?

Also, it would be nice to have an optional parameter for including the project you'd like to display tags from, e.g


This will allow you to include tags from other projects as well :)

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Adrian VanRassel almost 14 years ago

Hello, thanks for adding Sort Table!!!

I had tried using sort table, but it only bolds and centers the titles.

Here is my wiki code:

*Battle Achievements* (18 achievements, 560 points total, 16 BattleSim Achievements)

|_.#|Name|_.Amount|How to Unlock|_.Obtainable in BattleSim?|
|01|What a Terrible Failure|0|Deal 0 damage|Yes|
|02|Three of a kind|10|Perform an attack with three identical digits|Yes|
|03|Ding!|10|Level a creature with exact exp points.|No|
|04|Doctor!|20|Cause one instance of each status effect in a single battle.|Yes|
|05|Its a double rainbow|20|Level up twice in 1 battle.|No|

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Matthias Michelsburg almost 14 years ago

The sortable table is great!

But I have a problem with numbers as cell entries. Is there a way to sort entries like 1,2,...9,10,11 instead of 1,10,11,2,...?

It would be really great to have this feature.

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Adrian VanRassel almost 14 years ago

Well, you can temporarily add 0's at the beginning. For some odd reason though, sortable tables aren't working for me :(

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Juan Alejo Serrano del Fresno over 13 years ago


I have a problem with this plugin.

When I set up a new tab with it and redirect it to the wiki page, the url that is redirected is
but in my instalation the correct url must be

Does anyone know how can I correct it?

Thank you!

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Terence Mill about 13 years ago

New Feature: Single section edit

There is already a patch for wiki_helper.rb, which can do that.

Being able to edit single section in wiki site would be a great enhancement

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Dmitriy Belokurov about 13 years ago

Hello, all!
This is my patch to notify watchers of wiki-page about commenting page.
Hope it will be usefull.

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Terence Mill about 13 years ago

Dmitriy Belokurov wrote:

Hello, all!
This is my patch to notify watchers of wiki-page about commenting page.
Hope it will be usefull.

Should be included into wiki extensions plugin or redmine core.

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by michele bonazza almost 13 years ago

Great job!
One thing I really didn't manage to get is how to get collapsible rows in tables, like the ones you have in your ref_issues table (last example before emoticons)..
Can we use them in all tables?

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Fabio Leitao almost 13 years ago

I am still amazed, great job... but every time I have the plugin in a system it loses cripples the GUI, every the B I U ... buttons above the editable area are replaced with their equivalent textual labels [Negrito] [Itálico] [Sublinhado]... like a pretty ordinary button

It happened since redmine 0.9 and all the way through 1.3.0 stable , it happened with wiki_extensions 0.2.3 and all the way to 0.3.7 , it happens with every single css I try (redmine_pepper_theme, classic, cm-red, martini, default, ...)

It shows the original GUI buttons up to the time I install the plugin and restart my redmine.

Is it happening to anyone else? Is there anything I can try? It looks as if it cannot find the jstoolbar javascript, or the image files for the GUI buttons...

Here is a link to the last server this happened:

Just to prove my point, when I remove the plugin, I get the textile GUI back...

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Sri Ramireddy over 12 years ago

I have installed this plugin with Redmine

After installing, when I click on 'Settings' tab of any of the projects, I gives the following error. Do you have some advice for me?

ActionController::RoutingError in Projects#settings

Showing vendor/plugins/redmine_wiki_extensions/app/views/wiki_extensions_settings/_show.html.erb where line #24 raised:

No route matches {:controller=>"wiki_extensions_settings", :setting_id=>2, :partial=>"wiki_extensions_settings/update", :tab=>"wiki_extensions", :action=>"update", :id=>#}

Extracted source (around line #24):

21:     @wiki_extensions_setting = WikiExtensionsSetting.find_or_create(
22: %>
24:  {:controller => 'wiki_extensions_settings',
26:                              :action => 'update', :id => @project, :tab => 'wiki_extensions',
27:                              :partial => 'wiki_extensions_settings/update',

Trace of template inclusion: app/views/common/_tabs.html.erb, app/views/projects/settings.html.erb

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Haruyuki Iida over 12 years ago

Sri Ramireddy wrote:

I have installed this plugin with Redmine

After installing, when I click on 'Settings' tab of any of the projects, I gives the following error. Do you have some advice for me?


This problem occurs on trunk redmine.
I've just released Wiki Extensions 0.3.8. Try this one.

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Sri Ramireddy over 12 years ago

Thanks , Only issue, it works with Redmine version 1.3 or later only. I have to still with wiki Extensions 0.3.7 to work with my redmine 1.2

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Sri Ramireddy over 12 years ago

Finally got the Redmine working with this plug-in. The coolest feature about this is that you can actually add a tab linked to a wiki page. I was exactly looking for this. I needed a way to separate Knowledgebase of Product Management team from the wiki pages. This is it. I hope the product keeps evolving.

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Endre Oma over 12 years ago

I have a problem with redmine wiki extensions's macro ref_issue together with
named queries that contains date ranges (ex: issues updated last seven days). The
specific error message is "Error executing the ref_issues macro (undefined method `date_range_clause' for #)" 

This can be fixed if you replace all occurences of date_range_clause with relative_date_clause in vendor/plugins/redmine_wiki_extensions/lib/wiki_extensions_ref_issue.rb

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Julian Mehnle over 12 years ago

For everyone's benefit, the Wiki Extension plugin's homepage has moved:

and the code repository and download have moved to

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Dimitar G about 12 years ago


I am trying to use Wiki Extensions plugin 0.5.0 with Redmine 2.1.2. (Originally I had Redmine 1.4.3 with Wiki Extensions 0.4.1 and everything worked Ok).
After upgrading to Redmine 2.1.2, when I click on the Settings tab of a project that uses the plugin I get the error shown below.

Does anybody know what the problem is?

Thank you,


Started GET "/projects/myproject/settings" for at 2012-10-03 08:38:06 -0400
Processing by ProjectsController#settings as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"myproject"}
Current user: dev1 (id=4)
Rendered projects/_form.html.erb (19.5ms)
Rendered projects/_edit.html.erb (21.3ms)
Rendered projects/settings/_modules.html.erb (5.0ms)
Rendered projects/settings/_members.html.erb (30.6ms)
Rendered projects/settings/_versions.html.erb (16.5ms)
Rendered projects/settings/_issue_categories.html.erb (1.7ms)
Rendered projects/settings/_wiki.html.erb (2.2ms)
Rendered projects/settings/_repositories.html.erb (5.6ms)
Rendered projects/settings/_boards.html.erb (1.7ms)
Rendered plugins/redmine_wiki_extensions/app/views/wiki_extensions_settings/_menu.html.erb (111.6ms)
Rendered plugins/redmine_wiki_extensions/app/views/wiki_extensions_settings/_show.html.erb (119.1ms)
Rendered common/_tabs.html.erb (211.7ms)
Rendered projects/settings.html.erb within layouts/base (212.5ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 226ms

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `observe_field' for #<#<Class:0x00000006f532b8>:0x0000000767d9a8>):
32: <label><%=h l(:label_wiki_page)%></label>
33: <%= text_field_tag "menus[#{i}][page_name]", menu.page_name, :size => 70, :required => true, :disabled => !menu.enabled >
34: </p>
35: <
= observe_field "menus_#{i}_enabled", :function => "if (value == 'true'){$('menus_#{i}_title').enable();$('menus_#{i}_page_name').enable();}else{$('menus_#{i}_title').disable();$('menus_#{i}_page_name').disable();}" %>
36: </div>
app/helpers/application_helper.rb:978:in `labelled_form_for'
app/views/common/_tabs.html.erb:24:in `block in app_views_common_tabs_html_erb___707758604655373226_19202560'
app/views/common/_tabs.html.erb:23:in `each'
app/views/common/_tabs.html.erb:23:in `_app_views_common__tabs_html_erb___707758604655373226_19202560'
app/helpers/application_helper.rb:259:in `render_tabs'
app/views/projects/settings.html.erb:3:in `_app_views_projects_settings_html_erb___1547070306742274038_18989940'

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Haruyuki Iida about 12 years ago

Sorry, Wiki Extensions does not work with Redmine 2.1 yet.

Now I'm working on Code Review Plugin. Then, I will get to work this plugin.

RE: Wiki Extensions Plugin - Added by Dev Full stack over 10 years ago

good job! Tahnks for plugin!
