


Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile)

Added by Mark Maglana about 15 years ago

Please see the new thread for the current Backlogs plugin.

Hi all,

I'm very happy to release the Backlogs Plugin under the MIT license. The latest version, 0.0.1, may be found out github:

For a demo, may go to Log-in as demo/demo



Replies (91)

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Joe Heck almost 15 years ago

Eric Hulser - that fix did the trick for me too. No idea if it's valid/good R&R or not, but thank you.

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Adrian Wallaschek almost 15 years ago


That fix from Eric does not work in all case. My case is using the TurnKey-Linux virtual appliance for Redmine. It is based on Apache2/Phusion-Passenger. I know the Apache but with Passenger/Ruby/Rails I am a nooB.

So I looked around, read a book or two, meditated over the source, trying to understand what each part is for ... and found the patch in the repo I tried to install. I removed those lines from the controller and see ... all was happily running.

So ... sorry ... this is way from a silver-bullet solution.


Other than that: I hate the subtasks. The guys are right. Subtasks based on relations are needed. I cannot delete subtasks nor move them elsewhere. So e.g. splitting a task is impossible as far as I understand it. A pitty!

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by S Reid almost 15 years ago

Hi Mark,

Are you likely to provide a new version of this plug-in, which fixes some of the above issues, any time soon, or has development stopped ? There's been no comments from you on this thread for a while. As with Adrian above, I find this a pity, as a robust scrum plug-in for redmine would be very useful. Alternatively, does anyone else know of another, supported, scrum plugin ?

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Nate Lowrie almost 15 years ago


There is still active development on this plugin. I have been in contact with Mark and he just made a developer on the project. Please make sure any issues you have with the plugin are logged at and we will try to get to them. Mark also has been traveling recently and hasn't had too much time.

What issues are the biggest priorities for people?



RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Mark Maglana almost 15 years ago

Sandy Reid wrote:

Hi Mark,

Are you likely to provide a new version of this plug-in, which fixes some of the above issues, any time soon, or has development stopped ? There's been no comments from you on this thread for a while. As with Adrian above, I find this a pity, as a robust scrum plug-in for redmine would be very useful. Alternatively, does anyone else know of another, supported, scrum plugin ?

Hi Sandy,

I apologize for the my absence in this thread. I've been unable to respond to these requests as I'm busy with my day job. However, if I may be frank, I'd like to state for the record that the primary reason why I built this plugin was for my own internal use and, originally, didn't have the intention of providing this to the general public with free support. On the other hand, the reason why I open sourced this plugin is because I believe that a tool as critical to project management as this one should be in the control of the user, and not a third party. This implies that you have all the freedom in the world to modify the plugin (or hire someone to do it for you. not me. i'm not a programmer in my day job) for your own purposes. I wouldn't have any problem with that. In fact that would make me very happy as that means I was able to contribute to your work in some way.

The lack of development on my side does not mean I'm no longer supporting it. It only means it works for me internally so I have no personal need to make any changes. Furthermore, my day job and family life occupies most of my time these days (I'd also like to share that I only found time to build this plugin during my vacation leave last year). On the other hand, I do understand that a number of other folks also would like to modify some stuff to make it work on their own environments. That's fine. Do the modification and send a pull request to me at github and I'll pull it in provided it doesn't break my internal installation.

Having said that, I'd also like to state for the record that I'm not abandoning anyone willing to use this plugin. As Nate mentioned above, I've asked him to be a collaborator in github and he's been very active in the code (thanks Nate!). If anyone else is interested in becoming a collaborator, please let me know. Further, I've also asked support from my employer to host the bug tracker for the plugin which you may find at here. I suggest that bugs/requests be filed in there instead of this discussion forum. I will try to build the necessary infrastructure around this project so that developers and users can more effectively use this sucker. But I'd like to remind everyone that this isn't a vendor-user relationship, but a community-owned project. We all need to pitch in using whatever time we can share, but it needs to be said that I can't pressure you to contribute just like I can't be pressured to provide free support. In the end though, I've given you this code which I worked on with as much effort as I can muster in the little free time that I have. Where the code goes from hereon though is up to the community.

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Martin S. over 14 years ago


After uninstalling Bitnami-Redmine-Stack und installing the plugin in Redmin 0.8 with the changes mentioned obove the plugin worked fine :)

thx a lot guys!


RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Ricardo Amores over 14 years ago

Found a bug in the backlogs plugin, and I don't know how to report it. Any ideas?

The bug occurs when trying to create a new issue using the backlogs plugin, with Redmine accessed with a subpath URI:

The issue creation is managed using AJAX (XHR) to invoke the REST create action in the issues controller (/issues/create).

The problem is located in the javascript file main.js at line 102, in the method RBL.urlFor:

RBL.urlFor = function(options){
  // THINKABOUTTHIS: Is it worth using Rails' routes for this instead?
  var url = '/' + options['controller'] 
  if(options['action']!=null && options['action'].match(/index/)==null) url += '/' + options['action'];
  if(options['id']!=null) url += "/" + options['id'];

  var keys = Object.keys(options).select(function(key){ return key!="controller" && key!="action" && key!="id" });    
  if(keys.length>0) url += "?";

  keys.each(function(key, index){
    url += key + "=" + options[key];
    if(index<keys.length-1) url += "&";

  return url;

In this line, the route to the controller is created using the root path as '/', when the root should be computed from rails routes:

 // THINKABOUTTHIS: Is it worth using Rails' routes for this instead?
  var url = '/' + options['controller'] 

for the previous example (redmine located at this modification solves the problem:

 // THINKABOUTTHIS: Is it worth using Rails' routes for this instead?
  var url = '/redmine' + options['controller'] 

If anyone can tell me how to access rails routes from javacript I'll make a patch

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Ricardo Amores over 14 years ago

Thanks, i'll fill it there!

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Sven Kilchenmann over 14 years ago

Hi all
we have a problem with the general backlog.
Our PO sorted it in the wrong direction. Is there a possibility to change the order by a script or so?

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Hans Jakobsen over 14 years ago

Maybe I don't understand how this plugin works, but I tried the demo and i see no relation between the defined Issues and the Backlog.
I suppose the idea is that you can drag'n'drop each issue to another status in the Backlog?

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Mark Maglana over 14 years ago

Hans Jakobsen wrote:

Maybe I don't understand how this plugin works, but I tried the demo and i see no relation between the defined Issues and the Backlog.
I suppose the idea is that you can drag'n'drop each issue to another status in the Backlog?

Hi Hans,

This should give you more info:

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Hans Jakobsen over 14 years ago

Thank you. This video looks quite convincing.
However, the demo at does not look like the video at all. The screen that shows up when clicking "Backlogs" in the video, has a lot of features, but in the demo there are no features. All I get is a list of sprints, and the only function available is to click on a sprint, which shows a sample board filled with yellow sticky notes, all saying: "The quick brown fox jumps..."
Did I miss something or is the demo broken?

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Mark Maglana over 14 years ago

The only problem is that I've been a lazy bastard ;-) I need to update the plugin in that deployment.

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Ilya Prokazov about 14 years ago

1. Demo page does not enetring with given credentials.
2. git repository doen not exists
please renmove this plugin if unsupported, or resolve with issues, please.

RE: Backlogs plugin 0.0.1 (scrum/agile) - Added by Mark Maglana about 14 years ago

The original message in this thread is outdated (and I have no way to update it)

Ilya, the most up to date info on this plugin will always be here:

Also, I've updated the demo site with the latest code (includes real-time updates except for the taskboard)
