Defect #10202
openAccess to svn may not be granted by if user is authenticated by an external LDAP server
If a user is part of two roles, one that granted access and one that does not allow repository browsing, and if the user is authenticated through an external LDAP server (e.g. MS AD) the access to the svn repository may fail. This depends on the order the permissions are calculated inside the while loop below.
The is_member function inside the file should be modified as shown below.
my $ret;
while (my ($hashed_password, $salt, $auth_source_id, $permissions) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
should be changed to
my $ret = 0;
while ((my ($hashed_password, $salt, $auth_source_id, $permissions) = $sth->fetchrow_array) and not $ret) {
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 12 years ago
I'm not able to reproduce although I made sure that a role without the permission was returned first.
The while
loop in tests all roles so I can't see how it could happen. Can you post the entire code of your sub is_member
function in
Updated by Tiemo Vorschuetz over 12 years ago
Hi Jean,
this is the sub that is working for me:
sub is_member { my $redmine_user = shift; my $redmine_pass = shift; my $project_id = shift; my $r = shift; my $dbh = connect_database($r); my $pass_digest = Digest::SHA1::sha1_hex($redmine_pass); my $usrprojpass; if ($cfg->{RedmineCacheCredsMax}) { $usrprojpass = $cfg->{RedmineCacheCreds}->get($redmine_user.":".$project_id); return 1 if (defined $usrprojpass and ($usrprojpass eq $pass_digest)); } my $query = $cfg->{RedmineQuery}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($redmine_user, $project_id); my $ret; my $user = $r->user; $ret = 0; while ((my ($hashed_password, $auth_source_id, $permissions) = $sth->fetchrow_array) and not $ret){ $ret = is_admin( $r->user, $r ); unless ($auth_source_id) { my $method = $r->method; if ($hashed_password eq $pass_digest && ((defined $read_only_methods{$method} && is_admin( $r->user, $r ) || $permissions =~ /:browse_repository/) || $permissions =~ /:commit_access/) ) { $ret = 1; last; } } elsif ($CanUseLDAPAuth) { #printlog("LDAP user"); my $sthldap = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT host,port,tls,account,account_password,base_dn,attr_login from auth_sources WHERE id = ?;" ); $sthldap->execute($auth_source_id); while (my @rowldap = $sthldap->fetchrow_array) { my $ldap = Authen::Simple::LDAP->new( host => ($rowldap[2] eq "1" || $rowldap[2] eq "t") ? "ldaps://$rowldap[0]:$rowldap[1]" : $rowldap[0], port => $rowldap[1], basedn => $rowldap[5], binddn => $rowldap[3] ? $rowldap[3] : "", bindpw => $rowldap[4] ? $rowldap[4] : "", filter => "(".$rowldap[6]."=%s)" ); my $method = $r->method; $ret = 1 if ($ldap->authenticate($redmine_user, $redmine_pass) && ((defined $read_only_methods{$method} && is_admin( $r->user, $r ) || $permissions =~ /:browse_repository/) || $permissions =~ /:commit_access/)); } $sthldap->finish(); undef $sthldap; } close File; } $sth->finish(); undef $sth; $dbh->disconnect(); undef $dbh; if ($cfg->{RedmineCacheCredsMax} and $ret) { if (defined $usrprojpass) { $cfg->{RedmineCacheCreds}->set($redmine_user.":".$project_id, $pass_digest); } else { if ($cfg->{RedmineCacheCredsCount} < $cfg->{RedmineCacheCredsMax}) { $cfg->{RedmineCacheCreds}->set($redmine_user.":".$project_id, $pass_digest); $cfg->{RedmineCacheCredsCount}++; } else { $cfg->{RedmineCacheCreds}->clear(); $cfg->{RedmineCacheCredsCount} = 0; } } } $ret; }
Updated by Tiemo Vorschuetz over 12 years ago
We added the use case, that any admin is also able to browse any repository. Maybe this is the case?