Feature #12416
openComment change notification
Now, when someone changes his comment in an issue, no notification is sent about it. So, if a user comments an issue, then changes his comment, then other users get notification with first version of the comment, and don't get its change. So, they don't have actual information.
Could you, please, make notifications when an issue comment is changed?
Related issues
Updated by Terence Mill about 12 years ago
This shall be optionaly configureable by user, because if you correct some grammar in the comment, it will send to many emails for nearly the same information.
Other solution: Wait 15 minutes witout chnaange again or so, and then send "final" version
Updated by Anton Nepomnyaschih about 12 years ago
As we need quick communications, I think, it's better to make a checkbox "Notify about changes" under the editing field to let user choose to send the notification or not. Also, for us it would be better if the checkbox is set by default.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 12 years ago
- Category set to Email notifications
Updated by Eugene Fokin almost 12 years ago
+1 This feature would be very helpful.
Updated by Aleksandr Ites over 8 years ago
+1 it seems it's easy to "miss" crucial info the way it works now
The solution proposed by Anton looks good enough.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 8 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #21193: Email notification on issue Note update/modification added
Updated by okkez _ over 7 years ago
How about this plugin https://github.com/clear-code/redmine-plugin-journal-change-notifier ?
This plugin notifies when issue comment is updated. It includes diff.
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #1446: Allow notification on editing of a message added
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #11385: Email notification when someone edits an update of an issue added
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #12388: diffs for editions of issue/notes entries added