



Feature #1952


Mylyn Integration

Added by Berin Loritsch about 16 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

Target version:
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As both a Java developer and Ruby on Rails developer it would be really nice to have a way to integrate Redmine with Eclipse's Mylyn plugin. That way I can integrate Redmine just like Trac or Jira. The best would be to simply use the same API. Trac uses xmlRPC to perform the integration, and I'm sure Jira has something similar. Since RadRails is based on Eclipse, it would also be a perfect companion for that.

Actions #2

Updated by tolan blundell about 16 years ago

The web based integration described there is very limited compared to an issue tracker with a mylyn connector.

With a web connector you can't properly:

Attach contexts
edit bugs offline
automatically close bugs with a commit message ("this fixes bug 12345")
integrate the time tracking and scheduling system in mylyn with the issue tracker (this is a big one for me personally)

There's more, can't think of it right now. A proper mylyn connector would make a huge difference for those of us using mylyn.

Actions #3

Updated by Anonymous about 16 years ago


Actions #4

Updated by tolan blundell almost 16 years ago

The sourceforge mylyn / redmine project has released a beta:

Actions #5

Updated by steeven lee over 15 years ago


Actions #6

Updated by tolan blundell over 15 years ago

I guess this ticket should be closed now seeing as there's a fully functional mylyn bridge for redmine now?

Actions #7

Updated by Jens Goldhammer over 15 years ago

Maybe we can ask the developers of redmine-mylyncon to contribute their redmine code here and to take part here...

Actions #8

Updated by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

I think this kind of connectors should stay in a plugin, or even better connectors for software should use the (admittedly only nascent) REST API.


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