Defect #5834
closedEmails with trailing spaces incorrectly detected as invalid
Start date:
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0.50 h
Affected version:
currently using 0.9.5.stable.3830
I originally thought this was a problem with email addresses with a "." in them, where the validation incorrectly identifies this as an invalid email address. (I think this was the problem in 0.9.3, but I have since updated)
Email addresses with a trailing space(s) are being flagged as invalid. I think it would be better to simply trim any extra space from the input field before validating/saving.
Updated by Carin Meier about 14 years ago
- File 0002-Defect-5834-remove-trailing-whitespace-from-mail-bef.patch 0002-Defect-5834-remove-trailing-whitespace-from-mail-bef.patch added
- File 0001-Defect-5834-remove-trailing-whitespace-from-mail-bef.patch 0001-Defect-5834-remove-trailing-whitespace-from-mail-bef.patch added
- Status changed from New to Resolved
I have added patches to strip the trailing spaces from the mail before validation and save.
(This is my first contribution - so please let me know if I am missing anything - Thanks!)
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 14 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Target version set to 1.0.1
- Resolution set to Fixed
Fixed in r3873.