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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
32433 Redmine Feature New feature: option for CustomField to update the values by some of roles and different default value for different project 2020-03-02 09:53 Custom fields Actions
32561 Redmine Feature New feature: add support to add multiple instance for a single filter 2020-01-03 18:51 Issues filter Actions
32311 Redmine Feature New Filter Issues by multiple issue_id doesn't support space character or semicolon/dash as the separator 2019-12-25 09:35 Issues filter Actions
32605 Redmine Feature New feature: option to set the relation (AND?OR?brackets?) between different filers enabled for the query 2019-12-11 11:45 Issues filter Actions
32426 Redmine Feature New Search from journal for specific value of specific field during specific period 2019-11-06 15:56 Issues filter Actions
32317 Redmine Feature New Issue filter: locale: label_issue: confusing the Issue and IssueID 2019-10-22 22:41 Issues filter Actions
31826 Redmine Feature New Option to set the default watchers for each Category 2019-07-30 08:59 Project settings Actions
33148 Redmine Defect New application stuck if query with filter "Issue" and with large amount of IssueIDs 2020-04-08 10:01 Issues filter Actions
32609 Redmine Defect New PRE: texts in PRE of issue mail will be renderred as large font and with multiple line break 2019-12-11 16:09 Email notifications Actions
32479 Redmine Defect New Issue filter: operator not support "is + AND" 2019-12-06 16:21 Issues filter Actions
32515 Redmine Defect New locales: the "task" should be named as "issue" 2019-11-26 07:14 Translations Actions
32476 Redmine Defect New Sorting on multiple value fields is not working 2019-11-21 08:35 Issues list Actions
32154 Redmine Defect New Value of custom fields will not be copied when copy project with issues included 2019-09-26 17:29 Administration Actions
32149 Redmine Defect New Project copy failed to copy Issues if Category is set to required: Project#copy_issues: issue #xxx could not be copied: ["Category cannot be blank"] 2019-09-26 14:12 Administration Actions
32322 Redmine Defect Needs feedback changes made to filter/column/groupby is not saved to session cookie 2020-03-02 12:19 Issues filter Actions
32608 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Watchers Invalid error when copying issue between project while users are member 2019-12-12 08:37 Issues Actions

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