


Defect #12424

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 11 years ago

 My issue is that I can't create an issue under IE, because a part of the UI is missing !! 
 and I have a warning message in IE (see attached files)!! 

 Message: HTML Parsing Error: Unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed (KB927917) 
 Line: 0 
 Char: 0 
 Code: 0 
 URI: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

 After searching long hours to avoid this pbm configuring IE... I've found that if I disable acive scripts in IE, it works !! but I don't have acces to many other functionnality of Redmine..  

 After that, I checked    on the demo site, and it works (under IE)!! 
 here is my redmine env. : 

   Redmine version                            2.1.2.stable 
   Ruby version                               1.9.3 (x86_64-linux) 
   Rails version                              3.2.8 
   Environment                                production 
   Database adapter                           Mysql2 
 Redmine plugins: 
   redmine_gitolite                           0.0.1 

 It's seems to be up to date... 

 Everything is fine under firefox and chrome, but I can't ask people install these SW in the company.... 
 So i need help ! 
