


Upgrade 0.8,7 -> 1.0 -- duplicate key errors...

Added by Marc Mengel almost 14 years ago

So I did an upgrade from 0.8.7 directly to 1.0 on a copy of my production database,
and had a few errors along the way, which I think I corrected, but now
and I'm runing into some problems where there is a table, which has an id
column, and a corresponding counter, but the counter is set to, say, 4, when the
maximum id in the table is, say, 84.

Should we have a module in the db:migrate code that goes through all the tables, and
makes sure the counters are the max(id) + 1?

Replies (3)

RE: Upgrade 0.8,7 -> 1.0 -- duplicate key errors... - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

No, you probably have not copied over the AUTO_INCREMENT to your new DB correctly, the migrations should not touch the autoincrement at all. Please repeat the procedure up until you have loaded the DB copy and see if the counters are correct.

RE: Upgrade 0.8,7 -> 1.0 -- duplicate key errors... - Added by Marc Mengel almost 14 years ago


Of course, you are most certainly correct, Felix.

Thank you for dispersing my cloud of confusion.
