



Added by Marc Mengel almost 14 years ago

So I put in a patch to fix a bug (Issue #6045), which is really trivial; but I'm not sure what the right process is for maybe getting it included in 1.0.1 for example.
I could maybe assign it to some random individual :-) but that doesn't seem polite.

Replies (3)

RE: Bugfixes... - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth almost 14 years ago

There's no canonical process (correct me if I'm wrong). You shouldn't assign the issue to anybody, nor changing the priority or the status, we prefer handle this ourselves (contributors).

You may change "%done" so that we know that something as already be done on the issue and we should take a look at it. Personally I also have a filter on issues marked as "Fixed" but not "Resolved" or "Closed". I don't know how other contributors would do. Guys ?

RE: Bugfixes... - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth almost 14 years ago

There's no canonical process (correct me if I'm wrong). You shouldn't assign the issue to anybody, nor changing the priority or the status, we prefer handle this ourselves (contributors).

You may change "%done" so that we know that something as already be done on the issue and we should take a look at it. Personally I also have a filter on issues marked as "Fixed" but not "Resolved" or "Closed". I don't know how other contributors would do. Guys ?

RE: Bugfixes... - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth almost 14 years ago

Damned, I double clicked on the button, sorry for the double post. I cannot delete my comments, maybe a new defect? :p
