


Subtasks Not Indented in Issues Screen - see Demo Big Project

Added by Tom Finger over 13 years ago

In the attached screenshot, on the demo site today, I created Parent Task, then 4 subtasks as follows:
  • Parent Task
    • A - Child Task
    • B - Child Task
    • X - Child Task
    • Z - Child Task

Notice in the screenshot that two fall nicely indented underneath the parent, and the other two do not.

It seems that subtasks that fall alphabetically after the parent look fine (Parent starts with P). So, the workaround that I know is to rename things such that the parent is first alphabetically. Then it looks great.

This is the same on my Redmine 1.0.0.stable release

Can anyone tell me if there's a better way for me to set this up? Thanks in advance.

Replies (9)

RE: Subtasks Not Indented in Issues Screen - see Demo Big Project - Added by Roman G over 13 years ago

have you already created an issue for this?
i have the same problem on my 1.1.1 installation

RE: Subtasks Not Indented in Issues Screen - see Demo Big Project - Added by Tom Finger over 13 years ago

Feature #5325 covers this help question, I believe.

RE: Subtasks Not Indented in Issues Screen - see Demo Big Project - Added by flurios fl over 13 years ago

Tom Finger wrote:

It seems that subtasks that fall alphabetically after the parent look fine (Parent starts with P). So, the workaround that I know is to rename things such that the parent is first alphabetically. Then it looks great.

Somehow the rename doesn't do the job for me. A few issues are grouped, most are not... I am still looking for the reasons...


RE: Subtasks Not Indented in Issues Screen - see Demo Big Project - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

You have to add the "Parent issue" column to your list and sort on it.

RE: Subtasks Not Indented in Issues Screen - see Demo Big Project - Added by flurios fl over 13 years ago

I receive best results when ordered regarding the last updated tasks...

RE: Subtasks Not Indented in Issues Screen - see Demo Big Project - Added by flurios fl over 13 years ago

Etienne Massip wrote:

You have to add the "Parent issue" column to your list and sort on it.

true... any idea if it is planned to fix the indentation in the normal view?

RE: Subtasks Not Indented in Issues Screen - see Demo Big Project - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

Sorting on the parent column is special and should keep your child issues grouped under the parent one ?

RE: Subtasks Not Indented in Issues Screen - see Demo Big Project - Added by Gokul NK over 8 years ago

For me the child issues were indented only when the child issue numbers continuous and followed the parent issue ID. If the child issues were not sub-sequent, the indenting was missing.

As suggested I could get it right by adding the parent column and sorting by it. However I would very much like to have it in the normal views as well.

For now I am making use of a custom query, in which I am sorting by parent Id without adding it as a column(I didn't want the parent column to show up).
