


Grant anonymous access to just ONE wiki?

Added by Andrew Brown almost 13 years ago

I would like to grant anonymous users (and everyone for that matter) read-only access to a single wiki. It can be part of an entirely new project, or a specific wiki for an existing project, it does not matter. Basically, I want wikis (even of public projects) to be visible only to members of that project, but I want ONE wiki to be used as an outward facing public repository of knowledge. For instance, project wikis contain information that should not be shared with people not on the project (even authenticated users who can report bugs) however, I want a different wiki to be accessible to everyone. It seems like if I grant anonymous wiki permissions, then anyone in anonymous can see the wiki information on public projects, which I do not want.

Does that make sense? I just need to be a little more granular in the permissions, and I can't figure it out / I'm not sure that it's possible.

Replies (4)

RE: Grant anonymous access to just ONE wiki? - Added by Tony Marschall almost 13 years ago

  • Disable global authentication: Administration -> Settings -> Authentication and disable "Authentication required"
  • Enable "View wiki" permission for role anonymous: Administration -> Roles and permissions -> Role Anonymous -> View wiki
  • Disable public access to all non public projects: Choose Project -> Settings -> disable public

RE: Grant anonymous access to just ONE wiki? - Added by Andrew Brown almost 13 years ago

Yeah, so that's what I did, but there is one problem with that arrangement, and I'll try to illustrate with an example:

Imagine we have 2 projects, one General project, and one Development project. I want the Development project to be public so that anyone (whether registered user or not) to be able to see that the project exists, and report issues for that project. However, I don't want them to be able to view the wikis or forums (they don't need to know any of the information there, especially regarding upcoming development items) so I have these permissions restricted to the Developer roles here. I want there to be some place with general information that would be beneficial to developers, testers, and users, hence the general project. Basically I want a place to put things like an FAQ, tutorials, etc... and a wiki seems like the best place to do it, but I can't give anonymous (and other roles) access to a single wiki without giving them access to all wikis on projects they can see. Basically I need to control roles/permissions on a per-project basis. I'm willing to go digging about in the actual files on the server, and editing config files etc... I just don't know where to look.

The only way I see right now is to create a private development project and have all the sensitive stuff there and leave the public dev project wiki empty, but that is not a desirable solution for a variety of reasons.

Any other suggestions?

RE: Grant anonymous access to just ONE wiki? - Added by Arnaud Martel almost 13 years ago

If you have some ruby knowledges and you are not afraid to patch REDMINE, then you can try one of my plugins:
This plugin has several features and one of them will allows you to specify a role for anonymous users in a specific project (this way, you can define precisely the permissions for anonymous users).

RE: Grant anonymous access to just ONE wiki? - Added by Jan from Planio over 7 years ago

Some years later, this feature has been implemented in #17976. We've recently written a full documentation on public projects in Redmine and it has a section about Individually Adding Anonymous and Non-Members to Public Projects. You can create a role which allows Wiki access specifically and assign that role to the system groups Anonymous or Non-Member (as you see fit) in that particular project only.
