

pasquale [:dedalus]

  • Login: dedalus
  • Registered on: 2009-12-20
  • Last connection: 2024-01-17


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 1 2
Reported issues 24 46 70



21:56 Redmine Defect #39743: Missing filter fields
I cannot reproduce this issue nor with default theme and nor with custom theme (purplemine2). Maybe Is originated by ... pasquale [:dedalus]


17:08 Redmine Feature #29663: Select a JavaScript library to handle tags
Can we consider Jean Philippe's silence as a YES? It's been 4 years with no response or indication of an alternative ... pasquale [:dedalus]


10:04 Redmine Feature #1984: Ability to obsolete an uploaded file
@marius.balteanu @maeda
I think this feature is very useful when a long queue of patches is attached to a ticket. Whe...
pasquale [:dedalus]
08:51 Redmine Patch #1671: Show a breakdown of estimated/spent/remaining time for a version
@marius.balteanu @maeda
Could this ticket be included in the activities planned for version 6.0?
pasquale [:dedalus]
08:49 Redmine Feature #24808: OAuth2 support for Redmine API Apps (OAuth2 Provider)
@marius.balteanu @maeda
Could this ticket be included in the activities planned for version 6.0?
pasquale [:dedalus]
08:45 Redmine Feature #1448: Add tags to issues
@marius.balteanu wrote in #note-132:
> I would like to discuss this for the next major release, it is one of the mos...
pasquale [:dedalus]
08:39 Redmine Feature #39733 (New): Make it possible to change the logo with a custom image (support svg, png etc) via UI
At this moment, there are various ways to change the official redmine logo with your company logo: generally you need... pasquale [:dedalus]
08:33 Redmine Patch #21493: Tweak colors of default theme
@marius.balteanu @maeda
As for my previous comment in #23980#note-50 I think there is a need to modernize the theme ...
pasquale [:dedalus]
08:26 Redmine Feature #23980: Replace icon images with SVG
@marius.balteanu @maeda
I think that modernizing the graphic aspect of redmine is a way to increase its diffusion. T...
pasquale [:dedalus]


11:15 Redmine Patch #9359: invert project <-> repository relationship
this patch greatly improves the user experience
pasquale [:dedalus]

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