


Automatically Open Issues Based On Text In Repository Check-In?

Added by Doug Warren about 14 years ago

Is there a way through a plug-in or setting that I'm not aware of to automatically open an issue based upon changes in the repository?

IE: If a diff contains:

+ // TODO: Add a check here for this value

+ // BUG: This value may sometimes be NULL and it's not being checked.

Then 2 issues would be opened automagically with text involving the comment.

Replies (1)

RE: Automatically Open Issues Based On Text In Repository Check-In? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Possible: I don't see a reason why not, in core: no, in a plugin: not that I'm aware of. Note that you can create issues per mail, so if you really need such functionality, you may also be able to fake it in a post-commit hook or something similar.
