


Finer grained access control through

Added by Lukas Heiniger about 16 years ago


I'm using to authenticate svn users against the redmine db. Now it would be really cool if there was some way to grant read access to "Reporters" and read/write access to "Developers" and "Managers".
I'm sure this could be implemented in but unfortunately I don't know perl at all - and it's not exactly an intuitive language ;)

Has anyone done something like that?

Replies (2)

RE: Finer grained access control through - Added by Nicolas Chuche about 16 years ago


To do that, you just have to add a RedmineDbWhereClause like this one in your apache configuration :

RedmineDbWhereClause "and members.role_id IN (3,4)"

Where 3 and 4 are role id for Manager and Developper. You can verify those id with this request :

mysql> select id, name from roles where id in (3,4);
| id | name      |
|  3 | Manager   | 
|  4 | Developer | 
2 rows in set (0.05 sec)

One problem, it will be enabled for all projects.

RE: Finer grained access control through - Added by Nicolas Chuche almost 16 years ago

I've just commit in the branch nbc ( a patch to add write access control through Redmine.

You can try it if you want
