


modify "help" module

Added by Yukos Vietnam over 15 years ago


In standard of Redmine - Help module links to - I would like to change in into my guide page.

Could you tell me how to do it?

Thanks in advance.

Replies (8)

RE: modify "help" module - Added by Yukos Vietnam over 15 years ago


Could you help me? I tried many ways but could not get a good result for this matter.

Thanks in advance.

RE: modify "help" module - Added by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

Yukos Vietnam wrote:

Could you tell me how to do it?

Modify the value of the variable help_url in the module Redmine::Info, which can be found in ../lib/redmine/info.rb, to the URL you want...

RE: modify "help" module - Added by Yukos Vietnam over 15 years ago


Thanks for your information. I got it, but I have question: I would like help link to Wiki, but each Project, wiki link is <redmine patch>/<*project name*>. Can I put a parameter for this link?

thanks in advance.

RE: modify "help" module - Added by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

Yukos Vietnam wrote:

I would like help link to Wiki, but each Project, wiki link is <redmine patch>/<*project name*>. Can I put a parameter for this link?

Cheating a bit by looking at how this is done for the project-menu links (see source:trunk/lib/redmine.rb#L141) and then copy that behaviour to the Redmine::Info::help_url module-method seems to work.

This means that the Redmine::Info::help_url method-definition (see source:trunk/lib/redmine/info.rb#L6) should be changed to something like:

def help_url; { :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'index', :page => nil } end

As said, this seems to work. Though I haven't tested it completely and am not very sure this is the best way to do it...

RE: modify "help" module - Added by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

Mischa The Evil wrote:

As said, this seems to work. Though I haven't tested it completely and am not very sure this is the best way to do it...

For example if no wiki-module is attached to the project or no initial startpage has been configured (for the above noted example) an error is thrown. This needs some specific enhancements for such an environment...

RE: modify "help" module - Added by Yukos Vietnam over 15 years ago


It does not works and get error as:

*Internal error*

An error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistance.

RE: modify "help" module - Added by Yukos Vietnam over 15 years ago


I got it, but:
- install wiki for all project
- They need come to Project page to get help

But it is OK with me.

RE: modify "help" module - Added by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

Yukos Vietnam wrote:

I got it, but:
- install wiki for all project
- They need come to Project page to get help

I don't completely understand what you mean by these sentences...?? As a matter of course you'll need all projects to have the Wiki-module enabled and configured.

As far as I understand you want the "help"-link in the topmenu to point to the current-project's wiki-page named "Project", which then naturally has to exist in every project's wiki-module. Otherwise you'll receive a 404-error. Logically you'll will also need to setup the permissions of the roles accordingly...

Yukos Vietnam wrote:

But it is OK with me.

At least that's good to hear... ;-)
