


Backing up my Redmine database

Added by Heera Thakur over 5 years ago

Okay, I'll start by saying I have zero idea what I am doing. I recently inherited the responsibility of backing up the databases used by various departments in my company.

One of our teams has been using Redmine (Bitnami MySQL) to tracking data, and they have never backup the data. I'm looking for a little help with regards to how I'd go about doing this. I have seen on the forum the entry of sample code for a daily backup

Replies (2)

RE: Backing up my Redmine database - Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 5 years ago

It would be great to know what environment you have. Is it a Bitnami VM or the installable Stack for Windows?
IMHO it shouldn't be so hard. It's just a plain MySQL database. I did this some time ago with a Bitnami VM which database was migrated to a separate DB server but I can't remember the exact command. Was just something small like mysql dump $DB_NAME > backup.sql or something like this. But there are tons of documentation out there which tell you how you dump a MySQL database.

Kind regards,


RE: Backing up my Redmine database - Added by Enie Kelvin over 5 years ago

I think more than these 2 backup script lines would be very useful.
Something like general export/backup - import/restore instructions for Redmine.
Could someone type this together please? Shouldn't be too much work for the professionals...
