


Replace Redmine Wiki with DokuWiki

Added by Dominik Krenner over 14 years ago


I'm considering using redmine but do not want to use redmines internal wiki. Is it possible to replace the internal wiki engine by DokuWiki (


Replies (3)

RE: Replace Redmine Wiki with DokuWiki - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Hello Dominik,

I think it would be quite straightforward to add a dokuwiki tab to a project (I think there even already is a plugin that makes a tab with an iframe available), but you won't get any of the integrated features of the redmine wiki (no "redmine" links to issues, version and whatnot, those would have to be made "by hand", no integrated search, no authentication passing, no credentials passing). You can't swap textile for the dokuwiki engine either (or at least not without considerable effort).

Thank you. - Added by Dominik Krenner over 14 years ago

Thank you for your reply.

I think I'll go with the additional tab.

RE: Replace Redmine Wiki with DokuWiki - Added by Oliver Kopp over 12 years ago

There is a github project working on an integration of DokuWik and redmine:
