


Redmine does'nt use the rigth database + account problems

Added by Guillaume Camera over 14 years ago


Yesterday I installed Redmine on my debian sid, and I have some troubles to redmine get work correctly.

First of all, I used postgresql data base and when I launch RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate no problem occurs
but no table is created in my database.

This is the database configuration

lea:/usr/share/redmine# cat config/database.yml
  adapter: postgresql
  database: redmine
  host: localhost
  username: redmine
  password: ********
  schema_search_path: public
  encoding: utf8@

And now the config about :
Ruby version              1.8.7 (i486-linux)
RubyGems version          1.3.5
Rails version             2.2.3
Active Record version     2.2.3
Action Pack version       2.2.3
Active Resource version   2.2.3
Action Mailer version     2.2.3
Active Support version    2.2.3
Edge Rails revision       unknown
Application root          /usr/share/redmine
Environment               production
Database adapter          sqlite3
Database schema version   20091010093521

So redmine uses sqlite3 but I don't know why...

I have a second problems with redmine, I hope so that is
in relation with the database problem.

Redmine does'nt handle correctly the login.

If I arrived on my redmine like an anonymous person and I visit all the page.

After that, I'm logging (no error message about account/user), redmine considers that
I still an anonymous. I don't have a dashboard no administration access etc...
But if I'm logging directly everything works. After that, if I'm logging with another
account, redmine switch my profil when I visited different redmine pages.

I think It will be a session problems but I really don't know.

Thank's about your futurs answers and sorry for my approximatly english.

Replies (4)

RE: Redmine does'nt use the rigth database + account problems - Added by Guillaume Camera over 14 years ago

I solved my problem about the database used.

The database.yml used is in /etc/redmine/default/. I think it'a a problem with
dbconfig-common. Just edit the rigth database.yml and turn off dbconfig-common.

But this improvement does'nt solve my account problem.
If someone can help it will be great.

Thanx's a lot

RE: Redmine does'nt use the rigth database + account problems - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Hello Guillaume,

I'd surmise you're french, maybe you could describe your problem better in french if this is the case (je parle couramment Français, pas de problèmes de ce côté-là :-) ).

The problem with the db configuration, or specifically with where this config files is, seems to be related to how debian installs it, I can't really help you with that, but it seems you got it right.

Regarding the session stuff, I haven't really understood what the problem seems to be, so just go on and explain it in french, and I'll see what I can do.

RE: Redmine does'nt use the rigth database + account problems - Added by Guillaume Camera over 14 years ago

Vraiment désolé pour mon anglais, je le comprend pas trop mal mais je m'exprime encore très mal.

Bon je vais reformuler le problème de compte.

En fait, redmine avait l'air de mal gérer les sessions, c'est à dire que je pouvais me connecter,
et naviguer entre les différentes pages, mais lorsque je me déconnectais et que je continuais à naviguer
sur le site, j'étais magiquement reconnecté sous mon compte.

Quand je me connectais avec différents comptes, il arrivait qu'entre chaque page, redmine me changait de compte !

Un ami m'a aidé à résoudre le problème, les sessions étaient mal configurées.

Il faut éditer config/initializers/session_store.rb
puis changer le session path en ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT'].nil? ? '/' : ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT'

Merci Félix de l'attention apporté à mon problème :)
