


Delete user?

Added by Kai Olav Fredriksen over 16 years ago

Hi all.

I've just registered, not sure if this is the right place to ask, or if it should be a "Feature"-ticket, but anyway:

Is there a way to delete users? I have "locked" test-users, but I would like to get rid of them altogether :)

Other than that, I've done a Norwegian translation, and we use this as a test-project (get rid of misspellings, poor translation etc.) to get to know Redmine. I will post it when we're ok with it (where to post it btw?).

I think Redmine seems - uhm - smashing :) We considered Bugzilla, and I set up Trac before I found Redmine - and I'm very happy with the finding. Somebody should make a wikipedia-entry for it, needs some buzz, I found it by chance.

Thank you.

Replies (33)

RE: Delete user? - Added by Addison McDermid over 13 years ago

Beau Simensen wrote:

Would love to have the ability to delete a user mainly for the case of spam accounts. In those cases there is very little need to worry about associated things (issues, posts, etc.) since the account would never be moved beyond that "Registered" state. (at least in my case)


I now have 30+ spam accounts it is annoying the hell out of me.

Something needs to be done about this.

RE: Delete user? - Added by Patrick GUILLOU over 13 years ago

Hi everyone !
I totally agree ! Could be good to have such a function...
In the same idea, could it be possible to allow the admin to enable/disable the 'get register' option on the index page ? Via the configuration tab for exemple... it will avoid spam accounts demands...
thanks anayway for this very good tracker

RE: Delete user? - Added by Patrick GUILLOU over 13 years ago

Sorry ! I just found what i was looking for... the ablility to disable self registration via the configuration tab... :-0
For those who are looking for it :
Click on Administration -> select Configuration in the menu -> then the authentification tab.
You've got a combo box that let you choose New User registration -> disable and that's done

RE: Delete user? - Added by Everett Griffiths over 13 years ago

Yes, I want to delete users. I think it's fundamentally the wrong approach to build local laws into the architecture. That's crazy. I should be able to delete users and deal with the consequences. I can edit the database if I have to, but the prevention of user deletion should be entirely OPTIONAL, not enforced by default.

RE: Delete user? - Added by Jamie Carl over 13 years ago

This is a strange issue for me. I have two Redmine systems I've just set up. One at home for personal stuff, and one here in the office. The one in the office has the ability to delete users, the one at home does not. I can not see any differences in the configuration between the systems.

RE: Delete user? - Added by Jamie Carl over 13 years ago

Jamie Carl wrote:

This is a strange issue for me. I have two Redmine systems I've just set up. One at home for personal stuff, and one here in the office. The one in the office has the ability to delete users, the one at home does not. I can not see any differences in the configuration between the systems.

Oops. I just spoke too soon. The one here in the office is running version 1.1.1devel and the one at home is running 1.1.1stable. Obviously a user delete function is coming.

RE: Delete user? - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

Yes, with 1.2.0 : #7296

RE: Delete user? - Added by Arne v.Irmer over 13 years ago

Good decision.
I'm look forward to 1.2.
