


'Accept' ownership function

Added by Dave Lewthwaite over 14 years ago

Is there an accept ownership function within redmine?

In trac you could go to a ticket, click 'accept' and the status would change to assigned and the assigned would change to your name which meant far fewer clicks to get the information right.

At the moment people change the assigned to themselves but don't bother to change the status and it looks like there are loads of issues which are still new, but in fact are being worked on.

Replies (6)

RE: 'Accept' ownership function - Added by Jonas Hellström about 14 years ago

I would like an answer to this, too. The functionality of an 'Accept' button make issue handling smoother and adds value without cluttering.
Has anyone implemented a solution of their own in a plugin or something similar? Do share!

RE: 'Accept' ownership function - Added by Pedro Gutierrez about 14 years ago

We suffer from this too. Assigning an issue without explicit acceptance sometimes is useless. The asignee might be in holidays in Mallorca and the author of the issue will never notice until the guy is back.

However, I haven't seen this functionality implemented so far.


RE: 'Accept' ownership function - Added by Dave Lewthwaite about 13 years ago

Oh well. :(

Did any plugins appear to do that task? Learning ruby and redmine would be too steep a curve for me to bother doing it myself.

RE: 'Accept' ownership function - Added by K. Scott Tripp over 12 years ago

I agree. This is one thing that Trac got right I think. It simply does not make sense that you can accept a ticket for somebody else, which is possible in the current implementation.

RE: 'Accept' ownership function - Added by Stefan Zugal over 8 years ago

We were facing the same problem, so we implemented a plugin that mimics TRAC's accept button:
