


Erreur lors de l'envoi de l'email ( ) : Mail Notification Problem

Added by Nicolas Daurevelle about 13 years ago


I'm having some problem with the Mail Notifications.

All works fine still yesterday.

None of the contacts in my redmine are receiving the Notifications( new ticket,updated tickets,...) by mail.

I checked in php via webmin , all is ok

I also checked the email.yml file in Redmine config folder.

I dont understand why it doesnt work ?

Thanks for your help.

Replies (15)

RE: Erreur lors de l'envoi de l'email ( ) : Mail Notification Problem - Added by Etienne Massip about 13 years ago

Nicolas Daurevelle wrote:

So i need to call my ISP ? to update the DNS ?

More likely an authentication issue?

What did you mean with "up"? It's working again?

RE: Erreur lors de l'envoi de l'email ( ) : Mail Notification Problem - Added by Nicolas Daurevelle about 13 years ago

no it doesnt, i just "up" the problem in forum

it doesnt work

what should i do ? configure apache via webmin ? change my email.yml config ? or call my isp ?

thx for the answer

RE: Erreur lors de l'envoi de l'email ( ) : Mail Notification Problem - Added by Nicolas Daurevelle about 13 years ago

Ok i just replaced the file email.yml from one of my backup.

But it doesnt work.. :(

Should i need to restart redmine after upload the file (on my server)?

RE: Erreur lors de l'envoi de l'email ( ) : Mail Notification Problem - Added by Nicolas Daurevelle about 13 years ago

ok i restart my server (so redmine too) and it doesnt work...

RE: Erreur lors de l'envoi de l'email ( ) : Mail Notification Problem - Added by Nicolas Daurevelle about 13 years ago

I really need some help to correct this issue.

All was working fine until a day, what should i do ?

RE: Erreur lors de l'envoi de l'email ( ) : Mail Notification Problem - Added by Etienne Massip about 13 years ago

If you don't change anything in RM settings, did you post your question in skynet forums?

Can you send a mail using the same SMTP server with your mail client?

And what's the point with PHP, RM is Ruby?!

RE: Erreur lors de l'envoi de l'email ( ) : Mail Notification Problem - Added by Nicolas Daurevelle about 13 years ago

yes, i 'm using the same smtp for my mail and its working

i thank that php was maybe the problem...

redmine is on my apache server.
