


Repository View (Mercurial)

Added by Marc Dietrichstein over 16 years ago

hi everyone,

I've installed redmine and added a project with a mercurial repo.
Everything works fine so far, the only problem i have is how the repository view works.

atm it shows every file with it's full path, like:


I'd like to have the following view:


And when i click on src:


Is there a way to make the repository view browsable or is this just the way redmine handles it?

Replies (5)

RE: Repository View (Mercurial) - Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago

Can you precise which version of redmine you're using, and which database?

Thank you.

RE: Repository View (Mercurial) - Added by Marc Dietrichstein over 16 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

redmine = 0.6.3
The databse is postgresql (version 8.3)

And redmine is integrated into lighttp via fastcgi.

RE: Repository View (Mercurial) - Added by Marc Dietrichstein over 16 years ago

Just discovered the patch regarding this issue (Patch #826) and applied it.
Works like a charm now.

Thanks Mr. Frédéric Moulins :)

RE: Repository View (Mercurial) - Added by Thomas Eccard over 16 years ago


I tried to add a Mercurial repository, but when I want to browse it using Redmine, I get the following error message: Entry and/or revision doesn't exist in the repository.

What could be the problem?

I also pointed the repo to a dummy folder that is not a repository, and it gave the same error message.

Should I point to the directory itself? to the .hg? An other directory?

RE: Repository View (Mercurial) - Added by Pau Rul·lan Ferragut almost 16 years ago

You have to point the directory without the final slash: /home/username/repo
